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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. What was your impression of his press conference / interview today? My thoughts: 1 - The verbal slap down on the EJ question was classic! And, in defending his teammate, I bet he earns some huge credibility with all his teammates. 2 - I felt he handled all questions wisely. No dumb responses, but all answered quickly and intelligently. 3 - He showed real professionalism. 4 - He seems sufficiently confident, but not arrogant .... A quality that instills confidence in his teammates. All-in-all, I liked what I heard.
  2. Indeed, that storyline will be on every Sunday show if he succeeds.
  3. Well, everyone says EJ is well liked . . . If Orton can throw it on target and not put it in locations where his receivers are constantly in fear of the heads getting knocked off, he will become a locker room hero in no time . . . with or without the bottles of Jack Daniels
  4. What the Bills need is a professional QB. Orton does not need to carry the load, he just has to distribute the ball wisely and efficiently....something EJ still has not figured out how to do. Let's hope he can.
  5. This! How can you not run in this game? Especially when it was obvious your QB couldn't hit a barn. Has Marrone said anything about the play calling? Did any of the media ask him about it?
  6. Boy is that true!
  7. Two reasons: 1 - they are way too complicated 2 - that would mean our QB would have to hit a moving target, he can't hit them standing still.
  8. Can Hackett be fired today? Run the damn ball, your QB can't throw, run the ball!!!!!
  9. Yeah, I really wondered about that call at that time in the game, and lest face it, the defense wasn't exactly having their way with the Chargers either—at some point, you've got to take a gamble.
  10. Richardson at LG, Urbik or Chris Hairston at RG . . . I know they gave Hairston al look at RG in pre-season, but I think its time to get serious about that move.
  11. One of the few national reports who get Fred jackson . . . if FredEx was in NY, or a Patriot, or Cowboy, they'd be making a bust for him in Canton already
  12. Yes! Him, or a long list of others we could come up with.
  13. Come on Hackett !!!!
  14. Yuuuup! The Bills coaches let SD dictate this game ..... This bad performance started on Monday.
  15. At least we have a good punter ..... And I have to again put that 3rd down player on our OC
  16. Some tell Schwartz it isn't working .... Maybe a blitz or two, but it may be to late, they're just going to run it now
  17. Chicago - Marshall Miami - I never want anything to do with them San Diego - Gates!!!! Is there really even another option? But I would consider Rivers—he is a fighter, somehow finds a way to get it done.
  18. So, just looked at the analysis - What am I suppose to be mad at?
  19. Peter King @ MMQB has the Bills at 10 - LINK 10. Buffalo (2-0). Bills 56, Foes 30. E.J. Manuel’s completing 67 percent. Two statoids I never thought I’d be writing after two weeks.
  20. Yuuup, that perspective right there is what has been the most frustrating thing in all this …. people going after Goodell and somehow making him the villain do nothing but district from the real issue: women and children are being abused. And not by Roger Goodell; rather, the thugs we cheer for. They are the ones who should be feeling the wrath, not Roger Goodell.
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