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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. My same question. Why? Because our OC is an idiot.
  2. Much will depend on how Brown does in his place. If he produces, CJ is gone. If not, we may see him return.
  3. It was a frustrating win, but nonetheless a win - Our OC is ridicules, just so predictably wrong on so many things . . . one back, run him to death, just stupid - Even though Orton throws picks, I still like his moxy, and in two of three games he has pulled it out when it was do-or-die - I saw EJ as well, and I was very proud of him. He'll be back. - Have we seen our last CJ Spiller run as a Buffalo Bill? And fittingly, after frustrating us all year, he finally bounces one outside and it is his longest run of the year. - Chandler looks like a different player with a Professional QB throwing his way. - Hogan has replaced Mike Williams, and I'm not sure Williams was that bad, but Hogan just continues to improve. - Well Bryce Brown, now we'll see what you have - If we can cut down on the turnovers, we can compete for the division crown - Did Urbik do something to Marrone's wife?
  4. Most painful win I think I've ever experience. But, a win is a win. GO BILLS!!!!
  5. Hackett is brilliant. We have one back, so let's start running the ball all day.
  6. CJ up the middle, for -1 yards
  7. so the questions is: why did it take this long?
  8. Every team in the NFL is capable of beating very other team . . . never approach a game thinking this should be easy. You need to plan for, practice, and play, as if every game is the Super Bowl. At least that's what the god ones do. And FYI: The Bills are not in that "good" category yet.
  9. this is well said, it hits my frustrations exactly . . . change things up when it is nott working. As a matter of fact, sometimes you need to just change things to change them, so the opposition can't get in a grove. It is so exasperating watching the offensive plays calls—and really, so predictable. And while Schwartz has done some really good things, against a good team like NE, you have to blitz once in a while. Uuuggggghhhh!!!!!
  10. You're not saying we the posters on this board are Bipolar are you? How could ever get that idea ?????
  11. Only if he brings that QB they have there in Indy
  12. Bring back Chan, he was the zen master at the spread offense and getting something out of poor talent
  13. what are his shenanigans?
  14. yeah baby!
  15. Not much here I can disagree with. Please don't use the word "retarded". . . it shows your complete lack of sensitivity to those whom might have close friends or family members with mental and emotional limitations. Thank You
  16. Add to that, a stubborn Defensive Coach who refuses to blitz even when the normal vanilla defense is "obviously" not working! DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT!
  17. dahhhh!
  18. Why do we even have this thread? and now three pages and growing. We're 3-3, and still in good shape. Let's let the season play-out before we waste bandwidth on this topic.
  19. good research, informative!
  20. Filming a movie. Visual proof that he played Uncle Rico in Napoleon Dynamite . . . By the way, the whole Orton persona reminds me of Gil Brandt's comment about when the Bills promoted Alex VanPelt to a starting QB role, he called him "the bar tender from Pittsburg"
  21. What, they've owned the team for 1 day and they haven't resigned ( you fill in the blank ). Terry and Kim ARE CHEAP!
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