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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Is this even a question? A better option, watch it on your smartphone when she is not dancing.
  2. He has two career wins against the Bills. You wait; the mad genius Bill B will bring him off the bench to rally the troops.
  3. That is a high compliment, especially coming from you, good Sir. Thank you! And, Thank You for your contribution to this board. I always enjoy reading your posts. It really is fun to be part of a unique and passionate online community centered around a team we all love. "GO BILLS!"
  4. Call me crazy, but I'm speculating that Joe Burrow, Ja'Marr Chase, and Justin Jefferson had far more to do with Joe Brady's success at LSU than the Assistant Coach sitting with him in the Press Box. Just guessing??? As Lou Holtz once said, I've had good players and bad players, but I'm a much better coach when I have good players." Funny how that works.
  5. Do we have a tie-breaker with either? If so, cheer for that team.
  6. Somewhere, John Lennon is singing: "All we are saying is give Elam a chance."
  7. This section has a little Proverbial feel to it: Proverbs 30:18-19 “There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand: the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a young woman." In the footnotes of your Bible, Soloman added: "Nor why the Buffalo Bills can't execute a bubble or regular screen pass." . . . It is a mystery of Biblical proportion.
  8. This is a rare, insightful, and fresh post. Thank you. It's early, but you are the frontrunner for "Post of the Week."
  9. Still trying to process this as "that's bad" or "no, that's good"? Our starting WRs = a total of 24 yards, yet we still won?
  10. Glad you and your son had a great time. That is as it should be.
  11. I think it was incomplete
  12. Not unless we win the division, or they drop to 2nd.
  13. Wow! I bet you’re a blast at parties. Oh yeah, not an issue, no one ever invites you to parties.
  14. My heart rate is back below 200 now.
  15. The Defense needs a score here.
  16. Thought I’d check in and a hit of positivity. This is just place. 🤪
  17. Hold them to FG at the most.
  18. Bad decision, bad pass, at a bad time! 😩 We had a real chance to go up scores at half. Ugh!
  19. Don't understand the Kingsley Jonathan move. He has straight-up been more effective than Von Miller.
  20. Good to have Knox back. As for Klein, he was always just insurance--Dodson and Williams have been playing well, and we needed the roster spot more than the insurance.
  21. Happy Game Day TBD! A long, long time ago, I had a High School Coach who used to give cursing-laced pregame speeches--the kind that would get you fired in today's world. As motivation for today's game, I pull out one of his most memorable: "We're going in there to beat the #$#& out of them on the field, then we'll teardown their #@$%@ goal posts, and then we'll go into the bleachers and steal their #@$%@ girlfriends!" . . . Taylor, watch out, Josh and the boys are coming for you! LET'S GO BUFFALO!
  22. The NFL Network had the 2022 playoff game on last night. I turned it off when the BIlls went ahead with 13 seconds to go. What a game, what a win!
  23. Well said, Scott 7975. I can't entirely agree with all of it, but I appreciate the thoughtful and nuanced perspective. Thank you. As for the existential crisis of this week: It was a hideously stupid thing to say (I want to sarcastically ask, What, you ran out of "Hitler and the Nazis were such a well-oiled machine"; or. "Wow, how impressive was the planning and execution of the two high school boys who pulled off the Columbine shootings," references?). [Side Note: I suspect he heard or read that illustration somewhere and unwittingly decided it would be helpful to use someday. And maybe in that context, it works? I have no proof; I'm just speculating why he would ever think of the idea in the first place.] The point here: It was about as stupid as one can get. The fact of it may be true, but using that fact to make a point is as foolish (stupid) as one can get. And here is what really bothers me: I wish he would say that and show genuine remorse for it. But I don't get that sense from his interviews. I come away with more of an "I'm sorry I got caught" vibe rather than an "I'm an idiot, and that was about as stupid (and inappropriate) of an illustration as I could have ever used." Is there emotion and regret in his response? Yes. But do I see brokenness and a realization of how awful this is? No, I don't. At least not publically. .... And I guess that is the point of the Dunn article (confession, I have not read it). I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing it. I've always had great admiration for him as a person and a coach. I have not contributed anything to TBD's "fire Sean" threads. And I'm still not there, but I am having a tough time processing this one.
  24. Women will do that to you.
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