I guess what you missed, is that he did address it four different ways. Now, three of those four did not work out, but he certainly went after it. I would say, if there is blame for this, I point to two areas: 1) Whomever on your scouting staff is evaluating o-line talent, because this was a great year for top quality linemen in the draft, and the Bills whiffed on not just one, but two draft picks. And the FA signed had many many questions marks. They must have convinced Whaley that he still had something, but that was bad advise. 2) Coaching. The exCoach who put so much time into the o-line really was not that good at o-line coaching at all—that is one problem partly solved.
Yes, Whaley must own some of this, but if he has a flaw, it may be trusting too much in those who are supposed to know what they're doing. Here's hoping he can fix those problems, because in the long run, those will be more important to his success than everything else.