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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Bradford is the only one with a potentially strong upside, if you can keep him healthy.
  2. And the answer is, "F - All of the Above." A - Playing tough Defenses B - Offensive and Ugly Offensive Line Play C - One QB that can run but can't throw, and one QB that can throw but not run. D - A clueless Offensive Coordinator and generally crappie coaching overall E - None of the above F - All of the Above G - A, C, but not B or D H - B, C, and D, but not A
  3. A few thoughts: - Can Williams Start? Yes. Is he a quality starter? Adequate. but Urbik is better. If I had a choice, I would certainly keep Urbik over Williams. But, the organization kept him on the bench for half the season. What does that tell you about coaching and front office acumen? - Is Richardson the "hope"? … did he show enough to think there is a potential there? From our untrained eyes: No! Especially when you compare what he has done to other rookie OG around the league. A big whiff by the Bills front office and scouting department. - And a bigger whiff—literally and figuratively—Kojo! How could he be this bad and and the Bills were the only ones who didn't see it??? - Henderson has saved the bacon for this draft class; but again, everyone knew he had talent, so not really a big find by the Bills front office or scouts. Just a lucky find, for which we're grateful. A little luck always helps. - This same front office and coaching staff, signed a performance-poor and injury-plagued FA to help shore up the line, and how is that working out? - Oh, and we all know Pears should have been gone, or at least moved back to OT, a long tome ago. Again, Coaching and front office incompetence. So Conclusions and Solutions: - Get better coaches, o-line scouts, etc. . . . they have convincingly proven they don't have a clue. - My line solution: get a quality Center or O Guard in free agency, one that can start and improve us right away. If it's a center, move Wood back to guard, he's proven he can play it, and play it well. - Then, let the leftovers: Williams, Urbik, Richardson, Kujo, and maybe a quality draft pick, fight it out for the other spot. Maybe one of the younger guys develops enough to replace the Urbik/Williams "studies in mediocrity" department.
  4. I like it, and if they win, they must keep wearing them !!!!!
  5. In in eastern PA, we're stuck with the pathetic Giants hosting the even more pathetic Redskins.
  6. YES! I have been calling for it—to my dog as we watch the games—"Why no, No Huddle?"
  7. Surprised that Hughes is not there, but that may mean he will be affordable for the Bills. Hardy? NOOOOO! Iupati? Yeessssssss!
  8. Well, the truth is, being the team player he is, Mike Williams is giving up his spot each week so that Gay guy can get his kicks.
  9. indeed, i am going to real stoked when we blow them out!!!!! And when Kiko comes back, QB's will be benching themselves before the games start!
  10. That is an outstanding point Gunner, it really is an All-Star line-up of coaches on the Defensive side of the ball. And I agree, if we could upgrade on the O side, i think it would make a big difference.
  11. I'd like to see what all the backs could do with two decent guards
  12. Okay, someone quick tell Hackett the Browns D is 29th in the league against the run.
  13. I like this idea best of all . . . Let's do it, would create a lot of off-season fun hear and in Rochester next July.
  14. This past week, with the storm and the Bills response to the community, and win, and now this . . . This is why you were never going to get close to buying the team Mr. Bon Jovi . . . The depth of the bond between team and community is something outsiders cannot understand. And because you never got that BJ, you never had a prayer.
  15. I don't think you could be more wrong, but then again, maybe you have more law school than I do? From my perspective, Goodell is just what this league needs. Every profession has moral obligations/expectations, all he is doing is his job by imposing them wear needed. If the players don't like it, then they can bring it up in collective bargaining, or, go find another job. Playing in the NFL is not their right; like in any profession, it's a privilege. Their rights are not violated when the ownership of the business decides to hold them to standards of conduct. They are always free to go find another job, correct? If Ray doesn't like it, oh well. No one is saying he can't work, but like every other business in this country, RG is saying, if you work for us, you will abide by these rules, and evidently, he has the right to modify the rules as he sees a need to do so. I for one, hope Ray never plays another down in the NFL. This is exactly what irritates me the most, Ray Rice is no victim here--he was the perpetrator of a crime. And because he was an NFL athlete, he was treated very differently than anyone else in his situation would have been.
  16. This was on the comments underneath: "Ben Hester - As a Browns fan I love Cameron... But this isn't the right time to be injured. I expect some team to pay him big this off season, just not Cleveland" A free agent? He would look great in a Bills uniform, don't you think?
  17. Can VWR be voted off the island? Time to block him mods.
  18. Actually, considering what a mess our D was before he came and the trajectory he put it on and we're still riding now, the Bills fan will probably cheer him.
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