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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. yes, right after the Bills drafted the thug from FSU . . . I really wanted them to draft him
  2. I posted this elsewhere, but I think its a serious enough issue that it deserves its own thread: Does the Williams (and Darby) pick, all football issues aside, bother people — especially the women (i know there not that many here) — on this board? Here is what I wrote in the other thread about Whaley's Presser . . . My disappointment with this draft is the seemingly total disregard for the character of the two FSU players drafted. What Doug? you asked the athlete about the incident and didn't get anything from the victims???? What do you think he was going to say, oh yeah, "I smacked her around a little, nothing serious though, she learned her lesson, don't tell the cops please—I won't do it again, really!" And what is most disturbing, neither one was a "we gotta have this guy" kind of player. There other good options both picks. The Williams' one especially. Really, we needed another running back? Consider this: The class of the Buffalo Bills for the last decade (Fred J), is about to be replaced by this 'women beating" thug. How's that go down ladies? I a 50+ year old, as foolishly loyal BB fan as someone my age could be, and I just have this bad feeling that this team is very quickly losing any kind of soul. Come on Doug, Pegula's, really? This is the team you want to be????
  3. My disappointment with this draft is the seemingly total disregard for the character of the two FSU players drafted. What Doug, you asked the athlete about the incident and didn't get anything from the victims???? And what is most disturbing, neither one was a "man! we gotta have this guy" kind of player. Strong cases could be made for other picks in both situations. The Williams' one especially. Really, we needed another running back? Consider this: The class of the Buffalo Bills for the last decade (Fred J), is about to be replaced by this 'women beating" thug. How's that go down ladies? I a 50+ year old, as foolishly loyal BB fan as someone my age could be, and I just have this bad feeling that this team is very quickly losing any kind of soul.
  4. Somewhere, somehow, in a very faint way, an obscure draft "expert' mentioned Darby in the same sentence with Revis . . . Rex read it in the internet, and the pick was destined. Ugh!
  5. Recently, the Bills (Whaley) have been terrible OL evaluators—see last year's picks. To answer this thread questions, FISHER was the logical choice. Moreover, consistent with my first sentence, i have no confidence that Miller will do well.
  6. Trade up and get the OT tackle from Pitt or Tre' Jackson from FSU Later round, I really like Jesse James the TE from Penn State
  7. Will any of the local pressers have the guts to ask him what his role was in the Winston rape case, and why didn't testify in the FSU Keystone campus cops "hearing" on the matter? Will any of them challenge Whaley why he would pick someone with this kind of history? The guys has playing issues, and character issues . . .
  8. wouldn't any QB you take at that pick need a year or two. or more ??? I would rather see a good (the best available) o-lineman.
  9. Just wondering why Richardson wasn't at that lineman camp.
  10. What did I miss here ??? I don't see humor, or anything, what is the point ???
  11. Would you trade away a #1 and some others for Phillip Rivers? I would . . . Bree's? No thanks
  12. So! I hope he is so successful that every team in need of a head coach comes knocking.
  13. zone or power blocking . . . any kind of blocking would be an upgrade fro the Bills at RG
  14. Corners take time, this will be a big year. If he has developed to the point where he can contribute on a regular basis, it should start to show this year. As for getting rid of McKelvin — not a good idea. Has he lived up to his draft position? No. Is he good? Yes.
  15. and this is your brain on drugs. . . . really? The ink isn't even dry on his contract yet
  16. He reminds me of a less athletic and less charismatic Tim Tebow. And less of a winner than TT as well. Ouch
  17. RG3 has one attribute that Mike Vick never had … a brain. He had an outstanding rookie year, then an injury and the stubbornness of the Skins coaches tanked the last two. He still has way more upside than 90% of the young QBs in the NFL right now. If the Bills have a chance to get him, they should move as quickly as they possibly can. I like EJ as a person, and I think RG3 has many of the same personal qualities as EJ (the selfishness wrap is totally ungrounded), except he also has the capacity to be a very good NFL QB, EJ has the capacity to be a very average NFL QB — that's where they are different. This is a no brainer discussion: RG3 > EJ!
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