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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Mods, I appreciate the inclusion of the date now, that helps on a regular computer, but make no difference on a mobile devise (which is where most of us have to access it while working) It takes forever to scroll through to get to the latest posts. Could you consider doing a new one for each day, or maybe every other day? Thanks
  2. Along with his, "it's time to get rid of Dareus columns from last year"
  3. the point of the article = there is HOPE for EJ . . . hopefully the new coaches will help him realize his full potential
  4. I'm glad he's gone, and so far the new regime sounds good. But even with all the shortcomings of the last two years, we were still 9-7 and just one game away form the play-offs. Which speaks to the talent level on the team. Lets hope the improved coaching gets us over the hump.
  5. Spiller with Coaches that know what they're doing . . . easy pick. But the under-appreciated Chandler, now with an all-world QB, he'll do well—a perfect situation for him.
  6. If Rex picks the QB, expect it to be some retread Jets guy. Let's see, who is available . . . Greg McElroy? Chad Pennington? Vinnie Testerverde? Bommer Esiason? Ken O'Brian? Richard Todd? or my odds on Favorite: Joe Namath!!!!
  7. Not a surprise, the Pats are in no position to absorb bad PR, especially for a back-up role player type, innocent or not.
  8. Indeed, he is one of those people that is much easier to like when he says nothing. But unfortunately, he said, 'I'm not talking no more"
  9. This! Yes, McCoy does owe an explanation. In this day and age, what he said could potentially ruin a person career. It's a serious accusation. If he said it in frustration, call Kelly and apologize, and own it. If there's truth to it, what is the evidence? and if there is truth, then it should be dealt with. And let's face it, if he wasn't a Bill, we'd be roasting him right now—as I'm sure he is getting on 31 other team boards today.
  10. If Kojo pans out (which so far, things are looking much better than last year), then I suspect Henderson may end up at guard. That would be one big bad o-line.
  11. Well, if it happens, it will be the "biggest surprise" then, right?
  12. The one factor not considered here, but may be the biggest, is this guy's attitude. Consider this about him since he has been a Bill: His negative reaction when he was first traded—until the restructuring happened His irresponsible comments about Chip Kelly According to CK, he is not man enough to call him back = twice To me, he has not made a good first impression. I think he has not represented himself well, and the Bills nation in general has not warmed up to him (see the article in the Rochester D&C about his charity event). To me, this is the biggest reflag. Let's hope his performance on the field helps us forget these above issues.
  13. Always fun to start the season with a QB controversy. Makes the PreSeason so much more fun (or, "funner" as we say in WNY)
  14. We had a lot of "ground" the past two seasons, but not much "pound." There has certainly been a concerted effort to bring in "pound" players, but as I have said other places, the real key to all this will be improvement in the offensive line play. As for stretching the field and all, I doubt you'll see much of that. Even though we may have one of the better WR cores in the NFL, these four factor speak against much production for them: Lack of a top tier—maybe even less than average—QB to get them the ball. A head and offensive coach not pre-disposed to a "throwing down the field" philosophy. Purposely building a team in the off-season to "Ground and Pound." A great defense that will win you games (this equals => conservative O play calling). So, to answer your question: "What to expect?" = Nothing exciting. As little as necessary. A lot of running the ball, short dink and dunk passing, and an occasional bomb to try and get one over on the Defense. But in short, pretty much what we've seen the past few years. I would love to have seen what Chan could do with these offensive toys, he would have had some real fun with them.
  15. Who Goes? Locks: Sammy, Woods, Harvin Probably: Hogan, Goodwin?, Easley? Thigpen? Long Shots: All the others . . . But note: If another WR emerges, look for Easley to be let go; Why? Notice all the special teams ability the Bills have picked up this off-season.
  16. As said above, I think the o-line is really the key to any improvement on the offense. We do have the skill players, maybe a slight upgrade at QB with Cassel—or if EJ develops, that would be a real bonus. But the key to being able to run consistently is more on the line than the running backs. Bills Playoffs ? = Improved O-line !
  17. Report:Seahawks didn't properly investigate Frank Clark And this just in, nor did the Buffalo Bills properly investigate Karlos Williams. Truth is, they both gave lip service to it, but they really don't care, nor does the NFL. If they did, these guys would not be allowed to be drafted or play. And before I hear the everyone has a right, and second chance, etc. …. and every business owner has a right not employ you.
  18. stop - Yes, all social ills are Goodell's problem, Ferguson, Baltimore, Global Warming, ISIS, etc., yup, all on Goodell—he should have a clause in the process to cover all these, and every other unanticipated world problem that affects the draft. He is so myopic.
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