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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. a win is a win, the defense gets the credit on this one, and TT came up big when he had to. Also, take that all you Chris Hogan haters on here … something I still do not understand.
  2. I thought the same thing. they are very confident Their great pass defense??? Both have played Luck to pretty similar results, so remove him and its Manziel and Winston versus Brady, Manning, and Tanny. Is there really even a comparison?
  3. Wow! In the pre-season this team had on e of the deepest backfields in the league. Four weeks in and we're dumpster diving for someone to play RB for us??? And now its the Boobie and Boom show . . . should be fun. The only real running threat this weekend will be Tyrod, I hope we see more read options and more planned agreesive scrambles (he just seems very hesitant to do that lately?) out of him.
  4. Two Things that seem obvious to me: 1) All the pre-snap movement and trickery is fooling no one. The next time I see Kyle Williams dropping back into coverage, I'm going to throw something through my TV! 2) The lack of rotation, we have seen very little of Stephan Charles, Corbin Bryan, Alex Carrigan, etc. It seems like (i think someone else posted the stats to verify this) that we are not doing that as much, and I have to wonder if it is wearing them down?
  5. is the real Grossman back . . . these Special Teams have been awful all season, again.
  6. that was the play of the game . . . for all the wording reasons. he should have had him, and then the Giants are punting on 4th down The terrible play calls in the non-scoring red-zone trip (the 2nd one) are an admission of the one weakness of a 6 foot tall QB, they cannot hit the quick slants that you need in that territory—the bodies in front of them are just too big. So the solution is run him outside and hope you can free somebody up, but of course, that didn't happen. It won't go away—he is going to stay undersized, and in this circumstance, that is a big liability.
  7. yes, because they have already figured out how to neutralize this defense
  8. Epically Undisciplined team The play calling highly suspect And the officials take two touchdowns off the board with very suspect calls A great formula
  9. Yeah, the name implies its something bad . . . "That's Bad, No That's Good" https://youtu.be/OCvp_Yg8hV4
  10. Indeed, the pass thing is interesting. What does that tell us? The teams we've played are all pass-first in their offensive philosophy? We've led 2 of the 3, in the NFL, when teams are playing from behind that means they will generally pass more? In the one game we didn't lead, that team is the most "pass-first" them in the league? Teams feel the way to beat this Defense is to attack in from the air? If the Bills keep putting up points, and are more successful than not in stopping the pass, will teams start to try and grind out long drives to slow the game down? — i.e., Try to keep the offense off the field? (Of course the problem with that it that it seems to play right into the strength of the Bills Defense.) others . . . ??? Or, is all this just a fluke, a statistical anomaly? As Mark Twain said, "there are lies, damn lies, and statistics."
  11. (In reference to Dixon) I'm not sure about the fat, but slow and "weak" ???? He just does't get the push we saw last year.
  12. Yes, it is interesting. Personally, I never thought we had a problem, I always thought we had three very different good choices. The problem was, which style and direction did you want to go? I think we choose the best one for this team. And if - heaven forbid - something were to happen, we have a very capable backup.
  13. Urbik played well, certainly no drop off. But, if Miller is 100%, as others have suggested, he needs to be out there.
  14. I doubt that, they were dopes alright, but I don't think intentionally so? So what Karlos and Tyrod did doesn't count? Thus the line is NOT very good. Not sure I follow your logic?
  15. Lets not fall into the same trap we did after week one, will we never learn? A little humility goes a long way. Focus on next week and play them one at a time.
  16. I wondered when you would get in here to defend your good name?
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