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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. this, it's not Tyrod's coolness we have to worry about, we can only hope it will start to rub off on his teammates some time soon
  2. AGREE !!!! Although Glenn is far more likely to put himself out there on the open market. He and his agent have to be thinking someone will overpay for him …. we will see if this team has learned anything from the Jason Peters debacle.
  3. Cowherd is exactly right, if Rex was't the Bills coach the board would be lighting him up …. how about if Rex was still with the Jets and pulled the stunt? He is just so annoying. Here's an idea Rex, why don't you try to repair the Defense that has cost this team at least 2, probably 3, games?????
  4. and it proves he's just as dumb off the field as he is on it—have you ever watched him play, not even sure why he's still on the team—was it for "such a moment as this"?
  5. it's so Jr High-ish And unfortunately predictable—just coach please, you have a Defense that needs fixed, give it some attention before its too late. And it is very embarrassing, i wonder when, or if. any of the veteran team leaders will step up and say "enough is enough"
  6. No apologies needed Bill, you nailed it: the Defense is frustratingly mediocre, and the penalties this team makes are just maddening—good teams will make them pay for those. At the beginning of the year, the Defense was supposed to carry the team and the offense was just going to be asked to not blow it …. Now it is just the opposite.
  7. Woods has that one irreplaceable quantity: Being available. He's shows up and does his thing every game. Yes!
  8. its good we brought in Percy and Shaddy to mentor him . . . he appears to be soaking it up
  9. One observation: Eric Wood is digressing, is it time to look for a new center in the draft?
  10. I did notice him some, and he looked very stiff … there were a few plays where the running back went right by him and it looked like he could have made a play, but didn't even notice the guy. He just seems very unaware of what else is going on besides the person right in front of him = no sense for the game, no sense for life ???
  11. So you're telling me there's a chance? http://​http://reactiongifs.com/?p=8838
  12. Just be glad Matt Cassel is not our QB . . . ask Cowboys fans about right now = 2 terrible picks
  13. Thanks No Saint . . the point is Roman has not really been any better in the preparation and plan. Again, exhibit A = the last three plays.
  14. EJ will be the scapegoat, but really, when the Defense had the opportunity to step up and seal the game, they let the Jags drive 84 yards for the game winning TD. Yes, they did a bunch of good things to get it there, but when most needed, they wilted. Not sure if that's on the Coaches, or players, or both, but in the end, this is just not a very good defense. And that is why the team is 3-4. We all knew the Defense had to carry this team, so when they don't, wins—no matter who is your QB—will be hard to get.
  15. After the Miami game, the question was: "How will we keep him?" Since that game, he has been awful. The icing on the cake were the three calls at the end of the game. Why? On all three of them? But the last incompletion was the kicker. Everybody but him knows that is a very hard throw, and that is not even figuring in the EJ factor. And by the way, did they outlaw the screen pass? … don't we have this guy named McCoy that needs the ball in space? Anyhow, the last three games have been horrible. I'm not serious about Hacket, but time for this guy to be held accountable
  16. Worked great for me … watched it through Apple TV on the big screen. And while I was driving down the highway—not recommended for safety reasons when watching this team. For those of us that do normally get to see the local broadcasts, and have to do the pirate thing, this was a great option—I wish it was available every week.
  17. How about a defense that once again came up small when the them needed them the most. Regardless of the phantom call on Robey, how can team like JJ drive down the field effortlessly with the game on the line?
  18. I liked it, watched most of the game while driving. A great idea, I wish they would do all games on the internet.
  19. Well, there were some back breaking penalties. In the end, they overcame them, but if they had lost, these most inopportune penalties would have been the lead narrative by all media—and fans.
  20. I have one counter point to the company line here: several have said his running is causing him to get banged up. For the most part, he is rarely hit hard on the runs—the horse collar today being a notable exception. I think his "getting banged up" is happening when he us standing in the pocket and getting racked by d-lineman. The line has not helped him and teams are taking the edge/outside scramble away; thus, I think he has taken far more serious abuse in there than he has when he escapes. I would love to see him run more, I think it just makes the entire offense better.
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