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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. You're not. And, NO, he is not that good---that is why he kept himself out of the game. Diggs embarrassed him last year; he did not want that again on a national stage.
  2. That is too funny. “Who’s your daddy, phish people?”
  3. Virgil, not only were the Bills on point in all facets of the game Sunday, but you followed that up with your best "no particular order" ever. Drop the Mic on this thread! Thank you for your time, effort, and results each and every week. For most of us here at TBD, we can't move on to the next game until you and @Shaw66 (The Rockpile Review) give us the wrap-up. Thank you both.
  4. At this time in the season, this is the intelligent approach. And I agree with the top two Tiers.
  5. As to the entire idea of this thread: Didn't we learn anything about the NFL yesterday? Last week, every talk show told us how unstoppable the fish were. The fish were already booking their tickets to Las Vegas. They were making room for the Lombardi trophy in their display case. And then a game happened. One game at a time, people, and you better be ready to play every game. Hmmmm? Who do we play next? Oh, yeah., the Jacksonville Jaguars. That vial you have in your mouth right now comes from the memory you tried to bury deep in your brain of the last time we played them. Never forget how awful this following sentence is: We lost to an Urban Meyer's coached football team--he did not even last the season that year. One game, one week at a time, people, one game at a time!
  6. If Von plays, there will be an extra juice. I hope he does, even if just a few plays. The Jags can be dangerous, especially with their familiarity with overseas experience. I am confident we will beat them, but I do not see a blowout.
  7. The Coach Staff -- They had the entire team ready. Josh Diggs Rousseau Oliver Milano/Bernard LB Combo The Defensive Backfield -- Held the fins WRs in check all game The O-line -- Are they turning into an elite group ???
  8. Eventually, the front has to start putting some pressure on Tua.
  9. But I was thinking, we could go with another baseball analogy and call it a “bullpen game.” 🤪
  10. I was only quoting this mockingly from an earlier post. My bad. We could also rightly use the basketball idea of “load management.”
  11. I am very comfortable having Rapp step in. The drop-off in physical skills is minimal, if any. And his reputation as a hitter might make guys like Hill and Waddle get a little alligator-armed today. Maybe next year. The Elam situation is certainly a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. Or maybe he is just bad?
  12. You mean "snap count. Pitch count is baseball" 🤪 Good question.
  13. Agree. We need this win more than they do. Let's hope that gives us a little extra edge of focused and productive desperation.
  14. Happy Game Day, Two Bills Drive. Time to put an end to all this nonsense about the Fish taking over our Division. Have a great morning, and get ready for an exciting and satisfying afternoon. And, LET'S GO BUFFALO !!!
  15. In my area, we are subjected to the NFL version of waterboarding by having to watch the Pittsburgh Steelers and/or NY Jets every week--some weekends, both. Unforgiving torture. But that is what the Dark Web was invented for 🙂
  16. Sssshhhhhh ….. Don’t tell them of all these perils.
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