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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Petting is right—just not NFL politically correct. Wilson is not consistent enough at this point. He is very good, but I would agree, not at the level of the other four.
  2. No, its the curse of Doug Flutie. That was decided here a long time ago.
  3. Yup, just another in a long string of poor decisions. Add to that, the poor clock management by the coaching staff at the end of the first half. When the Bills received the ball with about 3 minutes to go, they had every opportunity to run the clock down to the end, or at the least, run the clock down to very little time left. But, as is so typical and consistent with the general stupidity ethos of this team this year, they do everything they can to not even get points, and to leave a good deal of time to the Eagles, and the result being = 3 points. How much did we lose by?
  4. As well he should …. McCoy is McCoy good folks of TBD. I still remember all the defending of him when he made the "Kelley is a racist" comments. Oh, no big deal. But yes it is, it speaks to his character. And in the heat of the battle, when the pressure is on, when you are needed the most, it is your true character that will guide the outcome. Shady is, well, shady. Like it or not, we'll have to live with it, he's ours now. BUT PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, TBD POSTERS, DON'T TRY TO JUSTIFY IT JUST BECAUSE HE IS ONE OF OURS.
  5. Hard to disagree in hind site. Would love to have seen what a Jackson and Schwartz combo could have been …. but of course, that is hind site.
  6. "Because that is the scheme I want to play," said the Defensive Genius of a Head Coach. Don't you know he is smarter than everyone else? Just look at the results.
  7. Your Heading said it all, and that is what is so devastating to us, the fans. We don't want to accept that this is a mediocre team—but the record and inconsistent play says nothing but that. But probably the most disheartening thing is how we got to here. Going into the season if you'd have said "the offense is going to be …." (and then fill in the current sats), we'd have been giddy with excitement. With our Defense, that is all we need to get at least 10 wins, probably more. Truth is, with our Defense (and throw in the huge step back for the Special Teams play and a wildly undisciplined team over-all) and the way it has performed, we would need to be a top 5 Offense to be winning. And that is what is so disheartening. We have made real progress on one side of the ball (I know, not enough, but back to my original point, enough to win with the D and STs play we had last year), and then the two strong units are in fireball to the bottom of the league. And that is what just kills our misplaced emotions.
  8. just frustrating, even on that last play it looked like he could run for a first down, and regardless, Woods wasn't open.
  9. what happened to running the ball in the 2nd Half ??????
  10. Wow, when you put it this way, the list is almost shocking. It does help put things in perspective, and helps me appreciate even more the work TT has done so far. We're all praying (or something) it continues.
  11. Yeah, it is curious, but I will trust that the coaches know better than me. I think the bigger mystery is Mills versus Henderson? It sure seems that Mills was more productive, but it was one game. I've read mixed reports on who would be starting, any word today?
  12. too funny indeed, those were great years to be a Bills fan. I'm eager to watch the 30 for 30 special on ESPN.
  13. its interesting, and I am certainly glad we're not towards the bottom … but of course, the only stat that really matters is the final score of each game
  14. totally agree with that twisted, but very sensible, logic …. I keep thinking, why is he on this team? and then I remember, someone has to be the captain when we play the Jets again
  15. I would say that both Urbik and Mills made a pretty strong case for staying in the starting lineup. Urbik has played well since filling in for Miller—Miller may have more upside in the long run, but I think Urbik is more consistent right now. He is like that pesky mole that keeps digging up my yard, no matter how I try to get rid of him, he keeps coming back and doing his thing. I don't really want him around, but you have to admire his perseverance. And as many have said, Mills did an outstanding job. I say stick with what works, and in this game it certainly worked.
  16. 6) Give the O-Line credit. Protection was better than expected. Watt didn't terrorize. They were outstanding! !89 yards rushing, only one sack, and that was the fault of poor coaching—a not very good blocking tightend one-on-one versus one of the most athletic DE in the league. Anyhow, considering the circumstances an opponent, they were OUTSTANDING today.
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