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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. it is both, but I do think in the greater body of work, the Defense is more suspect than the Offense. This!
  2. We would call that a choke. They were cruising up to that point, then I have no idea what happened, Tyrod couldn't hit a barn, the line couldn't run block, the Defense completely collapsed, and the coaching decisions again seemed dumb.
  3. I was thinking the same thing ... what were they trying to do at the end, get someone hurt?
  4. Yes, Tyrod stinks. But again, the problem with this team is the Defense. Until that brutal reality is faced, nothing will change.
  5. Michigan can pack their bags for the Poinsettia Bowl Barbarian, that ship sailed last week. I really am neutral in all this, but if you look at the last 7-8 weeks, it seems like a no-brainer, PSU is the best team in the Big 10. OSU did not win the Michigan game, it was handed to them, and the big M just has no claim. They have two conference losses, finished 3rd in their division, etc., etc. The team that won the conference should go; especially when the only other real option is a team they beat--and Michigan is not the other "real" option. Have fun in San Diego U of M.
  6. I am resigned to the fact that the greedy NFL owners will never let that happen.
  7. This! That very winnable game will haunt us at the end of the season
  8. Good article, but they need to do a little fact checking: "It is Buffalo’s first December road game while in playoff contention in 12 years." = Wrong, how about the trip to Oakland two years ago?
  9. Go PSU! .... clearly, they're better than OSU, they beat them in a game right?
  10. Hope you all have a great time. And be careful around that goth, ex-con, disguised as football fans, crowd.
  11. If everyone is back: Marcel, Sammy, Robert Woods, and maybe most important, Henderson?, this could be a great game.
  12. What was it Mark Twain said? "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
  13. smart move, guaranteeing there will be a rule change this year
  14. Bottom-line: The Bills first Playoff game is Sunday in Oakland. Win that, and we have a chance to make the real party. Lose it, and start thinking about the draft.
  15. I have been wondering the same thing, it seems as if Jerry Hughes has been MIA--except for the occasional stupid penalty, that part of his game has not diminished. So, is it him, or is it our Defensive Coaching geniuses who seem to have a knack for making great players disappear? It was before the ball arrived, held. Sexy, not the word I had for it: Scary?
  16. Their defense is not very good. My fear is more the Bills Defense, they have not faired too well against good teams. It could be a real shootout.
  17. Good read. Thanks Virgil. I especially agree with your assessment of this Defense. It is really our biggest problem now. The Offense scores, maybe not the conventional 2016 NFL way, but points are points. It is the Defense that is wildly inconsistent.
  18. Agreed, we all know that, but can't we enjoy a win for a day or two?
  19. Yeah, it is a real head-scratcher that he is back kicking. Why?
  20. "Defense strong" . . . what game was he watching? When all is said and done, this team's problem is a very inconsistent defense.
  21. Another encouraging word from Bobby ... the day is now complete.
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