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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. The guy didn't even start until this year ... just shows how desperate are teams (like the Bills) to find that guy.
  2. That is funny .... but oh so true, and yet, we all keep coming back for more. ... probably says more about us than what is happening on OBD.
  3. Rex and Rob have taken this team to a new level of irrelevancy. Some one please tell Terry & Kim how embarrassing this is to them and the entire Bills Nation.
  4. Oh no, he was not very good, just ask the multiple posters on this board. The Bills had to upgrade, he was never more than a situational receiver, it wouldn't take much to get better ... let him walk ... yada, yada, yada, ... certainly the Bills were better at that position this year, right? It did get us to playoffs (the last time we were there, I might add) ... and look what happened when they decided to bench him for that game. The curse began, and it continue to this day.
  5. Kind of guy Whaley & Rex will look seriously at: K Williams, R Darby, B Spikes, ... all part of the NFL's All-Thug Team
  6. Just further evidence of how clueless he is . . . it is really is just sad to see someone slide into irrelevance right before our very eyes.
  7. If this is true, Rob Ryan should be fired today, birthday or not.
  8. There is no "Defensive of Rex," literally and/or metaphorically.
  9. Why the fascination with loud mouth know-it-all coaches? . . . If Harbaugh was that good, he'd still be in San Fransico. Just say NO to cry-baby JH
  10. Good, I hope Jerry goes public with it all . . . the sooner Rob Ryan and his "he who must not be named" brother are gone, the better.
  11. I say keep him as a backup, if he will redo the contract to a very very friendly price to the Bills, 5 million or less . . . unfortunately, for the Bills and teams around the NFL, there are few QB options, and the draft is not going to be good at that position.
  12. NOOOOOO!!!!! to #1 . . . Frank Riech Cutler Best OT available
  13. We had a Bell like player, Karlos Williams, but he had no brain.
  14. The fans gave up on Rex a long time ago. It appears the front office has as well And certainly the players have, by evidence of their play today. I like the Haley idea, but I'm sure there will be "a thorough search for the best available candidate." . . . Jim Schwartz anyone? rewatch that play and see Gilmore getting blocked into the second row . . . it is pathetic
  15. is there a link to it, I would love to hear it...would love to be there asking him the questions
  16. How stupid is this team? You're down by two scores with 3 minutes to go and you're huddling? One play run while 1 minute of time runs off the clock.
  17. This! I tried to like him, he may be a great person, but the game had passed him by. It is just horrible to watch.
  18. Just getting run over. Some great defensive coaching we have. We can only hope the rumors are true.
  19. Totally agree. TT is limited and will always be limited--mainly by his size. Yes, he can run and the Bills have done a good job of building their offense around his strengths. The problems comes, in games like last week, where when you are forced to win with your passing game, it is just not going to be there on any consistent basis. He has had his moments as a passer (Seattle game), but he is not a consistent enough threat there--opposing teams know that and will continue to do all they can to limit the run and seek to get the Bills into a "passing needed" situation. And when that happens, the odds are against TT. EJ has better QB tools, but his mental game has never been given time to develop--that is how it is with desperate teams/organizations--they never have the time. He was rushed into the situation before he was ready and has not recovered. I do believe, with his growing knowledge and maturity, he will be a productive NFL QB somewhere--but not in Buffalo. The confidence in him is lost by the fanbase, and most importantly, the front office. Add to that, a Head Coach who is clueless, and well, it is just never going to work. The bottom line, next year the Bills will stick with TT--they really have no choice, unless a surprise QB becomes available.
  20. Haven't we all? It's bad enough that his act gets old, but worse, the league has passed him by. His alleged defensive genius is gone. And what's worse, he is not smart enough to see this and adjust to the players he has .... who all performed (on Defense, that is) much better before he got here. Time to "cut bait" . . . the only way he should save his job is if they somehow win-out the season and make the playoffs, and that is a very slim possibility.
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