And this from them, funny, true???:
But now that the Bills are America’s Team, the situation is flipped. Now we know what the Bills’ problem was: It was Vontae Davis.
Before Davis retired, the Bills played six quarters and were outscored 75-9. Since Davis retired, the Bills have played six quarters and have outscored the opposition 41-9. Never mind that Davis didn’t even play in the Bills’ Week 1 game—just being on the roster caused Nathan Peterman to post a 0.0 QB rating in that game.
This same scenario happened in Friday Night Lights—quarterback Ray “Voodoo” Tatum walked out of a Dillon game at halftime, revealing that it was actually Voodoo’s negative energy holding the Panthers back, and after that they went undefeated and made the state championship game, where they played Voodoo Tatum’s new team. So, when Vontae Davis comes out of retirement to play for another team, look for that squad to play the Bills in the Super Bowl.
Vontae and Voodoo see a pattern here. Stay away from football players with a V in their name.