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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Why do punters have to be holders? If you can punt, but holding is not your thing, aren't there receivers and back QBs that could this kind of thing?
  2. Your point about Gailey is well taken. He was a mastermind for getting the most, and more, out of nothing. If the goal is to get someone that can teach the rookie QB, can we hire him as the backup instead of Anderson?
  3. KB is basically a tight end, can we at least move him into the slot and make him move around--when he's on the end, he has one route, 12 yards downfield and turns around. That's pretty easy to cover. And on top of that, he seems to drop as many as he catches. Time to give one of the rookies a chance at the wide receiver position, at least they have the speed to run NFL routes. Could they really be any worse?
  4. You're right, we should see what we can get before the trade deadline. I heard Tyrod Taylor is available.
  5. What is "the cost" of limiting the game plan and decisions he needs to make until he has the experience and knowledge needs to go full throttle? Not sure I can see that as a negative thing, it's done with just about all rookies, or first hire employees in any business. The expectation is, in time, they'll be the ones teaching the new hire. If the game plan looks the same two years for now, then we probably have a problem. For now, the job of the coaches--the boss--is to put him in a position to be successful with what he has and to learn as he goes. Job accomplished yesterday!
  6. I still put this on Hughes, he had him wrapped up and let him go before he heard the whistle--all he had to do was hold on to him, keep pushing him backward, it did not look that complicated to me.
  7. I think there is a big difference between football maturity (that is, ready to start as an NFL QB with the knowledge and comprehension, etc., maturity) and emotional maturity. Be made be great in the latter, but not ready in the former. I suspect that is the point/issue.
  8. Well, unfortunately, Josh Allen did not have Alex Smith in front of him.
  9. I think he would have had five fewer incompletions yesterday if he was not forced to throw it away because (a) he was about to get sacked, and/or (b) his receivers can't get open.
  10. After the euphoria of last week, we'll get the angst this week. That's what we do, and that's why we're wasting time posting on team discussion boards while we could be doing something healthy and/or productive.
  11. What did the best QB in the game today do all game long? The answer: quick release plays/throws, such as wide receiver screens, regular screens, quick slants, and running the ball to balance the attack. What did the team on the other side do to the rookie QB behind an awful online? The answer: drop back five steps or more every pass play--and then duck and run because you're online can even slow them down. Add in about 10 run plays and no quality WRs, and what do you have? Nothing! = 0
  12. And, yet, as we saw again today, he is still better than anything we have.
  13. Didn’t you all hear that our Defense is “sneaky” good. So sneaky, the Packers are completely missing it.
  14. Well, when healthy, he is. He was just never healthy in Buffalo
  15. You warned us, but we looked anyhow, and you’re right, we’re not not seeing it.
  16. Is this the game where Nelson caught the winning touchdown and almost dropped it too soon to celebrate?
  17. And this from them, funny, true???: https://www.theringer.com/nfl/2018/9/24/17895144/winners-and-losers-week-3-buffalo-bills-new-england-patriots But now that the Bills are America’s Team, the situation is flipped. Now we know what the Bills’ problem was: It was Vontae Davis. Before Davis retired, the Bills played six quarters and were outscored 75-9. Since Davis retired, the Bills have played six quarters and have outscored the opposition 41-9. Never mind that Davis didn’t even play in the Bills’ Week 1 game—just being on the roster caused Nathan Peterman to post a 0.0 QB rating in that game. This same scenario happened in Friday Night Lights—quarterback Ray “Voodoo” Tatum walked out of a Dillon game at halftime, revealing that it was actually Voodoo’s negative energy holding the Panthers back, and after that they went undefeated and made the state championship game, where they played Voodoo Tatum’s new team. So, when Vontae Davis comes out of retirement to play for another team, look for that squad to play the Bills in the Super Bowl. Vontae and Voodoo ....is see a pattern here. Stay away from football players with a V in their name.
  18. I think Streater signed with someone, but I would welcome Reilly back. He wasn't brilliant at anything, but there one little thing he could quite well, "CATCH THE BALL!" It appears that's an important skill for Wide Receivers in the NFL.
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