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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Lions, Cardinals, Titans, Bears .... In that order says it all, right there
  2. I voted "no" based on where it is right now. But I think we're all missing the key point here: The question is, would, owner, KIM PEGULA, sign him? According to what we read, she was very involved in the Richie signing. If she did the homework, he does the personal rehab he will have to do, makes some clear and evident lifestyle changes so he does not put himself in situations where something like this is more likely to happen, then I think "yes," she would support it. But that will take time. And most likely, a team more desperate than the Bills will not wait that long.
  3. Can you imagine what that walk of shame would have been like if it was Jalen Ramsey? ?
  4. Indeed, that may have been the best execution on any one play all season. You knew as soon as he touched it he was going to score.
  5. Jalen Ramsey, the new Brian Cox for Bills fans. We had a love-hate relationship with him ...
  6. great story, yes, he was a terrible draft pick, but that was not his fault. He may not have been a very good defensive end, but he is a wonderful teacher and role model to those kids he is serving.
  7. I’m looking for a translation app on my phone. What was that I just read?
  8. Very few offensive (skill) players on this list. I don't like that.
  9. He's been tearing up the league this year ..... it makes absolutely no sense that we let him go?????
  10. I feel sorry for him, but someday he'll make a good living on the rubber chicken circuit, telling his story of perseverance.
  11. Yeah, I get it. Either way, we need to be done with him.
  12. Something to consider--I think it was implied above--the Bengals choose to go with Barkley over McCarron as their back-up. His injury derailed that process. I think he is a career low-level starter, but high on the 2nd string QB scale; that is, he is good to have around when you need him, but never going to be a franchise QB. So, get him signed for the long hall, keep him as insurance for Allen, and get Allen back on the field when he is healthy--he is the one QB on the roster who can lead this team to the promised land. Will he or not? Who knows? But we have to give him the chance.
  13. Agree with all you said here GB. I think Miller is serviceable, sure, if there was a top RG available via free agency or the draft, go for it. I think what we have now in all three spots is serviceable, but if you can upgrade, I suggest the priorities of need/want are (1) = Center, (2) = RT, (3) = RG.
  14. Cutting him means we eat the salary, and he can go play somewhere else. But he is an obvious liability on the field--except to his coaches? Just deactivate him. Yesterday showed there are other WRs willing to work hard and give effort, and when things are executed well, they can make the plays. Benjamin has not shown that once this season. It baffles me that they keep running him out there.
  15. Yeah, the Defense is just too good now, think how dominant Rex could make it. The irony, actually our offense was pretty decent under Rex, the D was the let down.
  16. agree and agree and agree....Daboll, Barkley, and Teller
  17. Jets horrible on offense, but their D has been one of the better ones in the league, check out what they did to Miami last week.
  18. I saw every game. Based on that, yeah I get it. But what is missed is that you had two non-starting--career backup QBs--competing for the job. The point is, neither should have been competing for it. We knew Allen would not be ready, but again, because there was no real starter on the roster, he was forced in when the real bullets started flying. So, no real starter, no viable plan to let your new toy learn, throw in the injuries, and you have the mess we have now
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