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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. And now we know for sure he is, as he played like a Buffalonian in the SB
  2. As are most threads by Bills fans about the Patriots. There is one simple way to fix this, BEAT THEM!!!!! yes, on all points
  3. It's only a problem when you have a problem. Nothing worse than a filthy, cramped, sticky, public restroom, and for the most part, that's what we have at New Era field. Yuck
  4. I know as much about these guys as most people on the board, which is next to nothing. But they feel like good and positive hires. Lorax's endorsement speaks volumes. And by the way, that's a great example of being a leader, and of why the BIlls wanted him back for another year.
  5. Just stop Yuuup, MODS, you're not doing your job. Gungy took this off the rails. Block him, do something. For all the silly thing you shut down on here, to let this go on as it has is irresponsible.
  6. Totally agree, do what you can in Free Agency, but those counting on that to build the line are buying fools gold--smart teams just do not let the good ones go. And, just about every team in the NFL would like to upgrade their o-line, it's a seller's market for average homes. Thus, build the o-line through the draft! I have said it before and I'll repeat it, I would love to see 2 of our 3 picks in rounds 1 & 2 be top quality O-lineman, any position. Ideally, I would love to get a starting Tackle and Center out of this draft. If we can and add those two positions to the mix of the young guys we already have, even without any Free Agents, we are in really good shape for a long time. Of course, we are always looking to upgrade when possible.
  7. But, if it would go this general way, that is good news for the Bills, take your #1 WR in round 1, and it appears several of the top o-lineman still available in round 2.
  8. Aren't they all at this time of year? Might as well have some fun with it. People like us are the fools for taking it seriously.
  9. Yuup, the idea that the Bills are going to rebuild their o-line by Free Agents is foolishness. Build it through developing your young guys (Ike B, Conner McD, Teller, etc.) and drafting good people. I know its boring, but I would not be upset if the first two picks were spent on o-lineman.
  10. You're all probably tired of me saying it, but this is exactly why I think Bradbery is a good consideration at 9. It is vital to have an anchor in the middle, and getting the right person could solve that problem for 10+ years.
  11. He may believe that now, but let's see in March or April. I said it before, I'll say it again, he's done.
  12. I hope does play out like this, then Bradbury is still available, pick him at 9. Ferrell not needed.
  13. Not all the draftable o-lineman were in the game yesterday, but from what I saw, if the idea is to get the best player available (in o-linemen), then draft Garrett Bradbury in the first round! He was a wall, drove people backward, he was by far the best O-lineman on the field. I know, "you don't draft centers" with a 9th pick, said by the same people who say "you don't draft guards" that high. Check out what the Colts did last year. Drafting for need would be to take a Tackle, drafting the BPA, would be taking Bradbury, there was no one close to him. Take him, and draft a worthy guard or tackle in the 2nd. The Bills have to build the line! Without it, you're just spinning your wheels. And one other thought, I think every possible Free Agent has been mentioned; understand, almost every team is looking to upgrade their line. The idea the Bills are just going to sign who they want the day it opens is silly. As someone said above, the quality of players you'll find in FA are Bodine-like. Guys like Mills and Miller will be signed by someone, and probably for pretty decent pay increases. Going the FA route is simply shuffling the chairs on the deck of the Titanic. Build the line through the draft!!!!!! And start with Bradbury!!!!
  14. I know this is not politically correct, but I'm more and more getting away from drafting the BPA, and moving to drafting the BOLA "Best Offensive Lineman Available" for about 5 rounds. Now that we have our QB, nothing else matters on offense until there is serious improvement there.
  15. Actually, I really don't care. I just enjoy watching the games and not worrying about who is winning or losing (unlike when I'm watching the BIlls). I just want an entertaining game, and yesterday was. Hoping for the same in the SB. And, as much as it hurts, I was the only person to pick the Pats in our office playoff pool. I'm looking pretty smart right now.
  16. Not really, the bad calls, and no-calls, were about even
  17. Kind of how people hated the Bills back in the 90s, no one but Buffalo fans wanted them back in the SB after the 2nd one. And, hate is such a destructive emotion. Let it go, start an exercise routine, join a club, see a therapist if you need--I suspect this Patriots hate is simply a symptom of deeper emotional problems.
  18. I'm way past hating them. I do root against them, but their level of football excellence is phenomenal. Spy gate and deflate gate were good fodder for all the conspiracy theorist, but how about we just admit they are better than everyone else. Period!
  19. Na. Pats win, and Brady and Gronk retire ....going out on top. I hope they do if it means an end to their dynasty. Why would they want to come back? Nothing more to prove, clearly the greatest team run of all time, and it will never be duplicated.
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