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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Why were we calling timeouts at the end of the half? All it did was help the Broncos.
  2. What else could go wrong? A pick six on this drive?
  3. Just stop! Did Dorsey fumble or not catch a pass he should have?
  4. If Dorsey goes or is let go, the replacement is already on the staff: Joe Brady.
  5. This thread reminds me of the "We Could Go Undefeated the Rest of the Season" thread after the Dolphins game. I warned you then, and I will warn you again. When will you youngsters learn? These are the Buffalo Bills. Keep your over-enthusiastic threads to yourself. Save them for the day we win the Super Bowl. Such threads jinx us every time. MODS, please remove this. Tonight is too big of a game to allow such foolish behavior to go unchecked. Please!
  6. Happy Game Day, TBD! I hope you have a productive day at work--yes, you do have to go to work and try not to rob your employer too much today. And let's hope the Bills players don't steal from the Pegulas (and us) with an unfocused effort tonight. At least we have a legitimate excuse--being in game prep mode and all. And speaking of oddball game times--this is what, the 3rd week in a row we are in prime time, and several more to come--if we don't win these next two, no problem, we'll be back to all 1:00 PM on Sunday afternoon starting next year—enough negativity. Just win tonight, boys, just win! LET'S GO BUFFALO !!!
  7. CJ Shroud and Texans having no problem with the Bengals 27th ranked Defense today. … Watching the Bills attack them last week I thought they were a top 5 D.
  8. Wonder if he is related to Lake Speed, a NASCAR driver back in the 90s? Drove the SPAM car. For real.
  9. No need to meet about that, they are already doing that just fine.
  10. That's the most accurate (in my opinion) assessment I've read. It does not look right by the eye (and results) test, but he is having a great season by objective measures (other than wins and losses). And therein lies the problem: the only measure that really counts is "wins and loses." To quote the great Bill Parcells, "You are what your record says you are." So, my take is that Josh is not the problem.
  11. If so, why has no other team sought his services--he is a free agent?
  12. One of the all-time great Bills Coaching comments.
  13. One week ago, Sam Martin had the best punting game of the year in the NFL; this week, we're ready to ditch him. People? Special teams players of the week Sam Martin, punter, Buffalo. In an odd way, Martin had one of the most impactful games a punter ever could have Thursday night against Tampa Bay. Amazing that Martin is in here, seeing that he never booted the football for the first 39 minutes of Buffalo’s 24-18 win. His first punt, with 20 minutes left in the game, pinned Tampa at its 3-yard line. His second punt, with 14 minutes left, pinned Tampa at its 4-yard line. His third punt, with 10 minutes left, pinned Tampa at its 8-yard line. Crazy thing: Martin did it one more time, and the ball was hanging in the air at the 1-yard line, and the Buffalo gunner couldn’t bat it back into play.
  14. I’ve given up on this offense. It is just lost.
  15. I’ve given up on this offense. It is just lost.
  16. Yes. They obviously know how to out coach us.
  17. Happy Game Day, TBD. We have an extra hour to be productive and to fret today. Call your momma and say "hello" this morning. Get the yard work done (before it gets dark at 5 O'clock). Prep a good chile and wings spread. And then sit back and watch our Bills smackdown the "Who Dey's" (what does that even mean?). Who dey think they are? Big game, Big win. Let's go, Buffalo!
  18. Mike McDaniel is one of the more refreshing and interesting coaches in the NFL. In a world where being bland is the order, McDaniel breaks the mold. He is a dork, which adds to the intrigue. He embraces the dorkism, probably to mask his intentions at times (much like Belicheck deflects everything with his brutishness, McDaniel's does with his dorkishness). And both are brilliant in how they do that. Whenever MM pops up on the TV, I stop and listen and usually laugh in appreciation. He is a villain and always will be to us because he's the coach of the Phish. I hope he loses this weekend, but in a world of boring "speak because I have to and say nothing we already don't know, NFL Coaches," McDaniel's is refreshing. This is an entertainment business, after all, and McDaniel is one of the best at it in his weird and unique dork way.
  19. This feels like a college “Introduction to Sociology” class research project. If @Billsfan1972 gets an “A,” he owes us.
  20. Oh well, remember, it's all about getting people like us to react. He succeeded. He overreacts to one comment and is slightly right but more wrong (or uninformed) than right. He has a running narrative about the Bills and uses any tidbit he can to support it. He pulls this comment out of context to do just that.
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