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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Moving out west has made you lose your sense of humor, I really was not being serious. By the way, Utah is beautiful, I recommend a visit there to all.
  2. Well done Shaw. Thanks. I pretty much agree with everything you say.
  3. No! He has the grit to tough it out, and the mental capacity to figure it out.
  4. No! What I miss is why they keep trying to make Ford a starter? Go with the Nsekhe and let Ford learn.
  5. I, like many, think Duke should be called up. But I also wonder why they have not put Andre Roberts on the field since he has returned. He was very productive in pre-season, and I would certainly take him over Zay Jones right now.
  6. As much as we all hate to say it, what Josh needs to do is study Tom Brady in this game, and emulate it. He did little to help his team win, but more importantly, did nothing to help them lose. This was a defensive dominated games, both ways. In such games, you have to be very smart and not make it easier for the other team's offense to score. All 10 point (and let that sink in, their offense only scored 10 points), came when we gave them the ball. Of course, not blocking correctly on a punt in your own red zone is totally on us.
  7. And McKenzie? I did not see most of the game (just the last quarter), were all three out of the game?
  8. Just saying, I think there is a strong correlational between turnovers and not winning. Dust it off, and move on to the Titans. Go Bills!
  9. Hind sight is always wonderful, but I would have taken the FG after the loss of yards on the 3rd down call.
  10. Did anyone ask him what he would need to do to get kick out?
  11. It was, but I would also say the missed field goal before the half. Make that, and we at least tie the game in the 4th.
  12. Yeah, hard to figure what that strategy was. Basically, admitting we can't win doing what we have been doing, so lets try to surprize them. Guest what, that does not work against good teams.
  13. The predictable and unimaginative "Josh lost us the game post." You win the award for being the fastest on the draw. Congratulations!
  14. I know dude, my attempt at a little levity was lost on you. My apologies.
  15. interesting article. A fair assessment, with some editorial comments just for the entertainment value. Okay, just win on Sunday at it goes away--mostly.
  16. Yes! Our offense has improved dramatically. Eliminate mistakes, and the game is there to be had.
  17. Well, it's hard to say this this, but I totally agree with Rex ..... but then again, as many have said, "it takes one overrated person to know one."
  18. A philosophical question about these stats: I noticed the Packers are high in each of the offensive positions (4 o-lineman). But, the Packers have not been good on offense this year. I'm sure there are many factors--as with any team. But . . . Does one weak link, that can be exploited by the D, undo all the good of the other four? And, does that one weak link over-inflate the grades of the others? How? By letting the Defense focus their best and most aggressive efforts at the weaker points, and then basically giving the better people a pass? Thus, inflating the number to the good of the better people? So while their grade may be high, the over-all results may still be poor? I think these stats have value, but if my theory above has any element of truth to it, the rankings might need a algorithm adjustment that considers the poor play of those around you, which results in less work you have to do while your teammate if doing a good imitation of a turnstile? Or, am I just over-thinking this? GO BILLS! BEAT BRADY!
  19. Any good places to watch the game in the Albany / Schenectady area?
  20. You mean Wade from the PS, yeah, that would be great! Get'er done Beane! ?
  21. Good news for the Bills: 3-8 (besides us) are all NFC teams. Chiefs and Pats are pretty much a lock, and the AFC is wide-open after that. And after we win on Sunday, Bills will move to be with the Chiefs.?
  22. All good points, thanks theRalph--although I would not put much stock in the Bills have handle pressure better. There may be no one better in the history of the NFL in handling pressure than Tom Brady and the NE coaching staff. Having said that, I get the feeling the one area of the Patriots that has been over rated is their Defense. Yes, they are number one in several major categorizes. But look at what they've played: a beat-up Steelers, Ben should not have been playing that day; an NFL JV team in Miami; and a severely weakened Jets team--since the Bills played them, that is. For NE, this is the first real offensive test they have faced. I strongly feel the Bills will expose them (well, at least bring them back to mere mortal status). And because of that, this will be a close game with a key turnover being the different ---- "Take care of the football Josh Allen!"
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