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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Another thought, the league leading sackers only had one tonight (and he should have thrown that away). And, over 130 yards on the ground. The OLINE deserves a mention in the GAME BALL thread!
  2. Wow, what alternative world did I just enter, 2 games to go and we are locked into the playoffs. What will I worry about all week now? Oh, yeah, buying my wife a Christmas present ?
  3. He’s now over a 1000 for the season. It’s been a long time for any Bills receiver to hit that.
  4. Wow! I haven’t paid much attention to it, but that video is convincing. What was it Vince said, “If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.” The Patriots’ motto.
  5. Who should we be rooting for today, besides the Bengals?
  6. A few weeks ago I was in Costa Rica, doing a morning jog around the University of Costa Rica and I had on a Bills t-shirt. Passed an older Costa Rica'n and as I did he said "Go Bills!" It was a special moment for two Bills fans as we smiled and greeted each other. The Bills Mafia is worldwide
  7. I understand your point Kirby, but disagree. I'll take all the bandwagon fans that want to join, because that means we're winning, and winning big. Think about the Warriors the past four or five years. Before Curry, I doubt most casual basketball fans even knew where they played. And then, all of a sudden I think every 15 year-old in the world is wearing a Warriors jersey. Not because 15 year olds all of a sudden became NBA savants, but because the Warriors started winning, and winning a lot. Now they have all kinds of band-wagoners (who have quickly jumped ship this year). Think of Duke, I'm old enough to remember when they were just an insignificant D1 school down in NC somewhere, only known for their high SAT entrance requirements. Now they are basketball royalty and kids all over the country wear Duke gear. Why? Because they win, and keep winning. You get the point. I say jump onboard if that means we are winning. GO BILLS! And here's to more Bills fans everywhere!
  8. Excellent! Answer: I grew up in WNY, so as a child the Bills were all I knew. Jack Kemp, OJ, the electric company, Joe Ferguson, etc., and then the Jim Kelly era -- that was such a great run. As was said in the video, once a Bills fan, always a Bills fan, through the great years and all the others. If they ever do win a Super Bowl, so many of us old folks will probably die soon after, having lived a totally fulfilled life.
  9. Wow! Great break down. Thanks, Scorp. There was a lot that went wrong in that game, and I suspect others. The difference, Allen was able to cover for some of those mistakes with his athleticism and legs against lesser teams. I'm confident he'll bounce back this week.
  10. A few thoughts and keys to winning: Make their O score points--I do not see them being able to score more than 17 at best. Conversely, no turnovers that lead to points (see the first point) Score 20 points--any way, any how Ball control, get the running game and short passing game going to keep their D honest Force the Duck to have to play from behind and prove he can throw the ball ... that is still a question, can he throw when he absolutely has to? Or, another way to say the last point, take their run game away from them. Get a score on Defense (when was the last time that happened?) or Special Teams And just to cause an eruption in WNY, just for the fun of it (not necessarily needed to win, but sure would help), complete a deep pass for a TD! Oh what Christmas Joy that would bring.
  11. Who cares (then again, I clicked on it???) . . . But, at the bottom there were some interesting links, the one on Belichick and social media caught my attention: https://dailysnark.com/bill-belichicks-take-on-social-media-is-amazingly-spot-on/ “It still comes back to fundamental relationships and communication, There’s no cell phones out there on the field. You better know what your teammates doing, he better know what you’re doing, or you’re gonna get beat.” Not profound, but it "cuts to the chase," so to speak. Social media has made us, maybe a generation, bad at communicating. I loath the Patriots, but there's a reason he is the best of all time.
  12. Welcome! BlackWing. Excellent first post, you just moved to the head of the TBD rookie class. ANd congrat on a great season, the Ravens are impressive. Question for you, without Lamar, how good are the Ravens? The critique has been it is all built around him. That may be so, but not bad. Unless, of course, he gets hurt (I truly do not wish that on him, but in this league that probability is always high). What do you think? Will we get to see that in the last two games; that is, resting him and giving RG3 a taste of real action? Thoughts?
  13. What happened to Johnson? Did I miss something? Because the league office told them the Ravens needed a bit more help on D to secure their spot in the SB, which will raise the TV ratings for the league.
  14. The most painful part of all this is you had to bring up Rex. You, know, our Defensive genius coach. And he promptly fired Roman as soon as had the chance--must have made his defense look bad. There goes my whole day at 6:30 in the morning.
  15. Wow! I didn't realize it was that low. I doubt they take the training wheels off against our Defense. It will be run, run, run. If Baltimore couldn't run on us, I don't see the Steelers doing it. Load the box and force them to do try and throw it.
  16. Which is why winning this game is important, remove all doubts and play the last two with no pressures, just to get better and maybe even improve your playoff position.
  17. Is it time to give Ryan Bates a look at right tackle, assuming Nsekhe is still out?
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