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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. I like our TE group. I think the we're good here. And, I think Knox has the potential to be a star.
  2. there ya go, I'm sure some entrepreneurial young whipper-snapper could figure out how to do that .... you know, "If we can put a man on the moon . . ."
  3. End of the day, it's always about marketing.
  4. hahaha, well, probably not for me, but hopefully he plays so well they fly off the shelves ?
  5. Let’s hope we’re back to normal by September. .... But, I’m predicting a shortened season, 8-10 games, starting in October. And then an all-in 32 team play-off. You heard it here first.
  6. Thanks Logic, this will be a good WFH listen tomorrow. ...... But, I call FAKE NEWS! We all know Roger hates Orchard Park. Next year, 5 games in December! ?
  7. Edwards-Helaire is growing on me, just not sure of his BPA value at our spot in the 2nd round?
  8. That game was one of the epic Bills failures. No, I have no interest in reliving that nightmare.
  9. Really, I don't care. No one is making any NFL player, play. And no one compels an owner to own. Just like I don't care about who owns Apple and who works for them. Just give me a good product; a good game, a great computer. If you don't like working for the NFL, or the computer giant, so work somewhere else. Mr. Reid, you are not going to get much sympathy from the average American worker these days. Your union problems is a top tier first-world problem, which means they are totally irrelevant to 99.999% of the rest of the world. While I certainly am all for any laborer getting all they can--just like I try to do, but at the end of the day, it is your problem, not ours. Does he really think the average fan is going to rise up in solidarity with him and boycott the NFL? The more I think about this, they more ludicrous it is. Go away Ed, go away. . . . Unless, of course, McBeane signs you, then we got your back! ?
  10. I kind of hope Miami breaks the bank to get Tua because right now I think he's a gamble, both for his injuries and his play. Yes, he's very good, but I'm was never convinced he is all he has been hyped to be. Think about the supporting cast he has had around him the past few years at Alabama. I know, this is the minority opinion, but it is what I see (or don't see) when watching him play.
  11. The Morning Brew is the best daily read about all things financial that I know of, and it got better in my eyes today with this . . . MAIL BAG Giphy Reader question: As a Londoner moving to New York City to work next year I’m trying to pick the right sports team to follow. However, every time I mention a team to an American they seem to wholeheartedly hate that team for some reason or another. So my question to you is, what sports team can I follow that is the least hateable and why? Neal’s A: At first, I almost rejected the premise of your question. The only reason teams are hateable is because they are good, and I don’t want you to support a bad team. For example, no one really hates the Cleveland Browns, but that’s because they’ve won 17 games in the past five years. Then it dawned on me...how good are you at bodyslamming fiery tables? Because if you are above average, then I would suggest rooting for the Buffalo Bills. They’ve got a history of heartbreak, an exciting young team, and a crazed fan base that throws the wildest tailgates in the league. Plus, you can reliably find a packed Bills bar in any city you live in. Go with the Bills—no one really hates them, and no one will hate you for rooting for them. Got another question? Let us know here.
  12. A good read, thanks. I loved these comments in his conclusion: . . . But replacing Diggs is nearly impossible. Out of all the receivers drafted in 2015, Diggs has more receptions than all of them with No. 4 overall pick that year Amari Cooper trailing close behind. Last year zero rookie receivers hit 60 receptions. Few players compete like him. Few players run routes like him. Few players can carry an offense like he did for a long stretch of ’19. Now Diggs will have to deal with the diva label and the notion that he’s bad for his new team’s culture. Labels are lazy. Inside the locker room there was irritation with Diggs’s Week 4 blowup but the utmost respect for his dedication and performance. . . .
  13. Yeah, if new or better people beat out Ford, so be it. I see that as a totally good thing, this is a meritocracy, the best man wins--no matter where they were drafted. Ford will need to improve to stay in the line-up, and that is good.
  14. I agree with one and two, and don't disagree with three--but not sure your solution is the way to go. I would not be disappointed to get him, but I think the FA pickups we already have upgraded that position.
  15. I defer to Mark Twain on this issue: ""There are lies, damned lies and statistics." . . . Jackson stats as a passer defy his reality as a passer.
  16. Agree with almost all he writes, except this: "Another is the Ravens have a major advantage over Buffalo at the quarterback position with Lamar Jackson over Josh Allen." I question that. At this point, I would say they're about even. Jackson is a better runner, and Allen is a better passer.--but there is not much separation either way. I would say its about even right now.
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