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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. hahaha, a nomination for "thread title of the year" on TBD.
  2. Re-watched the playoff game yesterday: It's just something you can't take your eyes off, it has it all: The good, the bad, the ugly! He is "must see TV."
  3. Can't help but being intrigued by this. But as someone said, if the Pats let him go, with all their kicking woes last year, consistency has to be an issue. But still . . .
  4. Kickers are a funny breed. I like Hausch Money, he started slow last year but finished well. But, the one thing I see is the McDermott does not seem to trust him for any long attempts. That may just be his conservatism showing, or does he just not think Hauschka can make them consistently enough? More likely, its a combination of both. It always seems like a strain for Hauschka to get it to the end zone on kickoffs, and we know McD is not a big risk taker and will trust his defense over a long try when given the option. But its also that conservatism that probably keeps Hauschka around. Stay with what you know, rather than risk an unpredictable younger option.
  5. I've re-watched the Ravens and play-off games this week on NFL Network. In both games there were screen plays that went for big yards, 25+. They are there, just not a constant like in NE.
  6. How? I watched Ford play last year. But even more, I also watched Feliciano play. He was better, that's why.
  7. Feliciano over Ford, that battle is not even close
  8. All class Karlos, I'm sure teams will be lining up to get you.
  9. Yeah, 9.9 is fair. I think the total is 11, with 12 not out of the question. If we get to 11, for the first time in a decade the AFC East crown will not reside in NE.
  10. I did not pick him, but the more I think about it, I'm like Jalen Hurts, QB, Oklahoma, here. Who was it that said, you should pick a QB every year? He's been a winner, he's athletic--similar qualities as Josh A, he is the kind of player that could also be used in other roles--like Taysom Hill in NO. Yeah, this idea is growing on me.
  11. I would think, if he is back to 100%, he could make a lot of money holding a clip board for a lot of teams. He's a consummate Pro.
  12. It is incredibly sad to see someone go through any life-debilitating disease, but dementia is among the worst. Well, I guess they are all aweful. Stay safe Bills Mafia. Boy, do we all hope our President is right on his prediction yesterday. If we can gather again at Two Bills Drive in September, there will be so much to celebrate, way beyond football.
  13. I watched that game with a bunch of Browns fans. So close. I remember leaving with the same feeling I had after the Texans game this year, sad we lost, but with big expectations for the future.
  14. He did say, "Outside of wide right, might have had the biggest miss in Bills history" . . . I'm trying to think of any epic regular season misses?
  15. All things considered, if this is truly the year the Bills are going for the Super Bowl, then, yes, sign him to a one year prove it deal. But, I'm guessing he really wants more than that.
  16. I'll check it out. Yesterday, ESPN ran all the "Payton Places" on ESPN2 (they are usually on the ESPN+ paywall). It is "must see TV" for any football fan. My wife and I were going to do a Self-Quarantine date night and watch a movie. We ended up watching these for four hours. They are informative, funny, and engaging--it is Payton Manning at his best, and with a lot of football legends. The one with Fred Beletnikoff is gold, the Immaculate Reception Investigation was fascinating, they were all good! If they run them again, I highly recommend them to you.
  17. This, a bigger RB that can run between the tackles, and who can block and catch passes in the passing game. Free agent or draft, that is he need.
  18. Baseball has the Mendoza line, the Buffalo Bills now have the Yoho line.
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