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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Where else would you rather be than right here, right now! https://youtu.be/4XkFlXbPOFI
  2. For some reason I like Houston over Tennessee (they've had a lot of breaks this year, not just the Bills game), I think their luck runs out and Houston is starting to find itself. .... And as much as I don't like to type this, I see Tampa Bay putting it all together, they are a better overall team than Green Bay, and they're at home (with a crowd).
  3. Sorry to offend you Mr. Kubiak, my apologies. .... "Why so serious?" .... But to your point, I guess Roger Staubach was a Navy guy. .... GO NAVY, BEAT ARMY!
  4. Darius was lazy and out of shape when he was on a team. What makes you think he's done anything over the past 5 months to be ready to play NFL level football?
  5. Sorry, you lost me at "Quarterback from Navy" Mr. Kubiak. Next we'll be getting a wide receiver from Army to evaluate the WR play.
  6. After watching it, I come away not feeling as bad about the game. It was clear the Bills were geared up on D to stop the run, which left an already depleted, and maybe not as good as we thought, linebacker and secondary groups very vulnerable. Tannehill did a great job of exploiting that. And on offense, it was equally clear the Titans were not going to let the Bills receivers run deep and beat them with long pass plays. Okay, understand that and take the short stuff--which the Bills adjusted to in the 2nd half, but so many other things conspired to not allow that strategy to play out. And as much as we don't want to think it, Simms is right, our running-backs have not been very good this year. I have always felt that Singletary is a better compliment back than featured back. Yeldon was the best Bills back on the field Tuesday. He deserves more snaps. And, yes, go after Bell !!!! Defenses will fear him more than anyone we currently have.
  7. In substance or structure? .... Now that I think about it, neither.
  8. The biggest issue is the Defense. They have not been good, and last night was the worst. The problem is, that is a personnel issue that cannot be fixed mid-season: there are needs at D-line, linebacker, and D-backs. That is the scary part.
  9. One play change this game: Titans conversion of 3rd and 19 in the 2nd quarter. A mirror of the Houston playoff game last year. .... why so passive when you have a chance to stomp them? .... that play epitomized the Bills this game, passive and unable to execute.
  10. It’s scary to think about what Mahomes is going to do to this D.
  11. The Bills had two (2) offensive possessions in the entire 2nd half.
  12. Our Defense just can’t stop anyone, even the horrible Jets rolled up yards in them.
  13. We should just not play with linebackers, they’re never where they should be. Just use extra DBs, at least they can run and chase faster.
  14. We’ve given them two touchdowns: interception and terrible 3rd & 19 play.
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