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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Good Game Day Morning! TBD family. I hope you have a great morning, and even better afternoon! Let's be honest, this was the one we circled back in the summer. Win this one, and the Bills are the leaders at the half-way pole, and then in great shape to close it out. .... If not? Let's not go there on a happy Sunday morning. GO BILLS !!!!!
  2. I put this in another thread, but it seems appropriate here: Here's the fear, on paper, yes, this game should be all Bills. BUT, remember the last time the Bills were set up for an easy win? Against the team that had not practiced in 10 days, was missing several starters to COVID, the team being questioned by everyone in the league. Yeah, the Bills were being picked by everyone to walk all over them. Oh yeah, that was just three weeks ago. . . . NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, take a game or an NFL team for granted.
  3. Here's the fear, on paper, yes, this should be all Bills. BUT, remember the last time the Bills were set up for an easy win? Against the team that had not practiced in 10 days, was missing several starters do to COVID, the team being questioned by everyone in the league. Yeah, the Bills were being picked by everyone to walk all over them. Oh yeah, that was just three weeks ago. . . . NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, take a game or an NFL team for granted.
  4. My wife and I love to listen to his work while we drive, makes the trips go faster. I think his best work is the Myron Bolitar series (accept the one he self-read, that was bad). Highly recommend it.
  5. And like in a bad relationship, that is the narrative we don't want to believe. We're all hoping that the nice time we had with the Jets in the 2nd half is the new norm, not all the dysfunctional things before that. "Hope is the cruelest of virtues" (Harlem Coben).
  6. A win is a win is a win. That's the goal, anything above that (which I guess is an easy or blowoout, or exciting thing at the end) is a bonus. Just win baby . . .
  7. Agree! Based on what we've gotten (or, not) out of Klein, why not take a look. Nothing to lose at this point.
  8. That is epic! Just think how this place would be if that was the Bills .... we'd be suicidal.
  9. But I thought our punter was terrible? Every mention of him here is that he needs to go. I thought those booming 50 yard punts I an seeing in the games are being piped in like the crowd noise? Are they real ????? Serious thought: What has not happened this year, so far 🤪, are one of his shanks or failed pass attempts. Hopefully he has punted those out of his system as he's gotten a bit old and wiser. .... As for holding the ball on field goal attempts, that is not really what he's getting paid for. If he is not good at it, find someone else that is. I'm glad the Bills have allowed him to grow into the position. And, I think we're going to go through the same thing with Bass. What both have are strong legs--something you can't really coach into. What they both need to grow into (coached into) is how to utilize and master that leg strength. It takes patience. Giving them the time will help in the long run--we just hope it doesn't bite us in the meantime.
  10. It's probably more an issue to show that Belichick cannot outsmart McD with far less talent. If he does, it will be a horrible Sunday.
  11. I know little of where he's at in ability these days, but if he can play inside it is worth a serious look.
  12. I'll go with Wegmans (but I have never had Dibella's). However, I will drive out of my way to stop in south Philadelphia for the world's greatest cheese-steak experience at Pat's or Geno's. Nothing compares.
  13. Bakin, if this is true, I feel bad for you. 🤭 Please forgive. My sick sense of humor laughs at three pages of responses, but its okay, happens to all of us on occasion. 🤪 Keep contributing, our friend! 😎
  14. I have wondered about this (I am no o-line coach, so I really have no credibility in this opinion), but I have wondered if he is a legitimate option at Guard? .... Regardless, he has proven to be a reliable OT, either side. I never worry when he is put into the games. If the idea is to get the best five people out there, then why not consider him at a Guard spot?
  15. Yeah, the general narrative around the league is its a bad year for Defensive play. That's okay if (even fun) it its Dallas or Seattle, but not so much fun when it affects our guys too. .... Hopefully the 2nd half of the last game was the turn around. This Sunday will be more truth-telling, can we keep the Pats from running it down our throats ????
  16. His release was odd, and at a particularly odd time. It all points to interpersonal (team chemistry) problems over performance problems. But, interpersonal problems are usually resolved or a non-issue when the performance is there. Not being liked, or not being a good team-player, and under performing is a bad combo. Hope it goes well in Cincy for him.
  17. Just beat the Patriots, by 1 or 100, doesn't matter. "Just win baby!"
  18. This! If there is a trade to be made, there are far bigger needs than OTs; try, interior D-Line, Linebacker, play-making TE, DB help, a break-away running back. No, OT is a non-need.
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