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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Here we go again, giving up another 3rd and long play. Ugh!
  2. Happy game day, all! It's been a long two weeks, time to get it going again. GO BILLS!
  3. Exactly! For all those complaining that they didn't do this to the Ravens or Titans, the difference is, those teams had real cases and they could not take the chance of infecting the other players or opposing team. In this case, they blatantly did not follow the rules. No one is infected, they just disobeyed the league directives. The result, those players sit as a penalty. The only way the NFL is going to get full compliance is, so no more warnings, time for action (I really felt this is what should have happened to the Raiders). For all the conspiracy theorist here, understand, this is a simple matter: They didn't do what they were supposed to do, now they suffer the consequences for it. To add to the Elway and Vic. F. stupidity in Denver, neither did they have an emergency plan in place (like the Bills do with Fromm). ... "Stupid is as stupid does." .... Or, should it be "stupidity breads stupidity"? In the end, I have no sympathy for Denver, they're getting what they deserve as an organization. Having said that, just for the fun story it could be, I hope the PS WR Hinton leads them to a win today. That would be the "cherry on top" of this entire episode.
  4. I think the point here is, “you didn’t follow the protocols, so here you go. We’re not punishing another team for that. Play without your QB, maybe you’ll take us seriously next time?” .... I say, good for Roger and the NFL, finally putting some real teeth into this.
  5. The Coach should be fired! Takes him out with a chance to set an all/time record. At least discipline him.
  6. That would be so fun to see, especially if Tua is the QB and has another one of his below average games (which they all have been). Not that I dislike the guy--actually, he seems like a first class dude--its the unthinking and unchallenged hype he's received by the national media that is old already. He is a wonderful product of the Alabama football machine, nothing more. Average NFL QB at best, and he really hasn't been that.
  7. Intelligent observation! TE play around the league is bipolar, if you have a great one (Chiefs, Raiders) you use them and the advantages they bring. If you don't, which 80% of the NFL, you sneak them into the pass game and for the most part use them as extra blockers and safety valves as needed.
  8. I used to watch ESPN religiously, but there just seems to be so many other better options these days. Nonetheless, it was a trailblazer for sports TV and radio, their problem is the rest of the world caught up to them and has now passed them.
  9. Happy Thanksgiving, all! If we're on this webpage today in this crazy year of 2020, I suspect we do not have to look to far to identify things to be grateful for. And near the top in delight, but I'm sure not importance, is a football team that we love and that is relevant in the NFL again. Enjoy that thought today. GO BILLS!
  10. The biggest surprise here is that it took 11 weeks into the season to see this post 🤣 Okay, let’s review the International Player practice squad exemption rule again, for the 29th time in a year and a half . . . See you next year C. Wade.
  11. That is telling. Meanwhile, the Bills are 2-1 and should be 3-0.
  12. I would be good with Cleveland, or Tennessee. The Raiders have improved since we played them, and Indy seems to have all the right pieces. The Browns have been running against lesser opponents. Lets see how they do against Pittsburgh and Baltimore? ... the results won't be much different the second time around. Which is also why they probably don't hold this spot, and probably won't make it to the playoffs.
  13. Bronco's turnovers are the only reason this game was as close as it was ... and that has been the case in all Tua starts. He still has not played a NFL starting QB caliber game. I hope they keep him there. or 200
  14. The point is valid, while I appreciate the stats, the eyeball test pretty much tells you all you need to know. This defense is not as good as is was the last few years. I don' think it is any one thing. As has been pointed out: (1) our personnel losses were bigger than people gave credit for, (2) better competition, (3) injuries, (4) no real off-season, and I would add (5) the defensive coaching has been suspect at times. . . . We must lead the universe in giving up third and long first down plays. BUT, having said all that, I think there is something else to consider, defensive play has been bad (poor) league wide. There are no dominant D's this year. I have a theory as to why -- maybe some of you stat guys can debunk it or prove it -- there seems to be far less offensive holding penalties. They are letting them play. The league shift towards offense has been going on for a while, but this year it seems to have really taken flight. I believe it comes down to the emphasis (or, non-emphasis) of the rules has greatly favored the offensive side of the ball, especially the non-holding calls. ... Like I said, just a theory. Nonetheless, even though a bunch of points were scored in the last two games, I think the Bills D is coming around. That, and the drop in the level of QB play the Bills will see in the next 6 games, has me feeling good about the end of the season run for this defense.
  15. Interesting. Thanks for the research TS. All points to good things ahead: Chargers, 49ers, Broncos, Pats, Fish, all winnable games if we don't drop a turd. And a win versus the Steelers would put us into the "best AFC team" discussion. Of course, the most important are the last two games: Pats and Fish = Win them, win the division (with another win or two to go with them)!
  16. This! Tua has been average, their D and ST are carrying them.
  17. That is a classy move. Based on the thread title, I was ready to read about some stupidity. Glad it is not.
  18. Nothing competes with either of these, this is a Super Bowl and a game that most likely puts you in the Super Bowl ... way more drama in both than yesterday. I would put last year's play-off game above yesterday .... remember Watson's play after two guys had him for a sack? .... Again, a play-off game
  19. That's not news. He is having a bad season. I hope the break gives him a reset.
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