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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Time to get Norman or Jackson out there, Wallace is getting hosed.
  2. We’re fine, just need to slow down their run game. By the way, one bogus PI call set up that entire 1st quarter.
  3. And then they came back to earth on the 2nd half and held on to win, what they did in the first half was a once-a-century type of thing. We're still better.
  4. Good Morning, All! Happy Game Day! It's going to be a long Monday at work, try to concentrate and get your job done right. GO BILLS!
  5. I think they scored a Touchdown in the 1st quarter. Granted, their only one by the offense for the game. They had an interception returned for TD in the 3rd, and added 3 field goals -- 2 in the 4th quarter. So, no matter how you slice it, their offense was really not that good = 16 points, one decent drive, and the 3 drives for FGs (each drive around 50 yards). In reading the recap, more Rams mistakes than anything special by the 49ers.
  6. Indeed, Stephen Hauschka has always impressed me as a person. He was a very good player in his prime, and a class act off the field. He and his wife started the adoption thing (and it was really cool to see the Beane's take over that when he left) to give back to the community in a very unique and meaningful way. He seems like a great father. Football gave him a wonderful career opportunity for 12 years, has now given him the opportunity to be a great father and opened doors to make wherever he lives, a better place for his neighbors. Good for you Haus $$$ THANK YOU! And enjoy this new stage of life to its fullest. You've earned it.
  7. Wow! That's some deep dive analytics right there. Good work Matter. A question: All things considered (in the above stats) it looks like the Bills have a pretty good run game--at least from their backs. Where does the breakdown come? When we assert "the Bills need to improve the run game," where? Is the low per game average skewed? Is it not really the best measure, or at least not a complete measure?
  8. Interesting. I would guess much of this can ae attested to the fact that Mullens does not have a strong arm. So, play them tight and take away the quick hitters and force him to wait for the down field things to develop. In such cases, the receiver needs to be wide open because of the lack of arm strength, and that scenario needs time to develop. All that adds to more opportunity to apply pressure. This is clearly a week to get after the QB!
  9. First thing Rex got right about Defense and Bills in 6 years.
  10. ...... Also, if you want to make a great first impression and show your deep knowledge of the Bills and the players: Start a post asking why the Bills don't give Christian Wade a chance, especially noting how good he looked in those preseason games last year.
  11. It's a trick, don't do it 27Yank! But if you want, inbox me and I'll tell you how to deposit it in my PayPal account. You'll find this board to be a full service station.
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