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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. I think he played for the Bears in the mid-90s, right?
  2. Who thinks Bill B doesn't have a sense of humor. Undoubtedly, someone at the NFL home office ticked him off, so his response, good stuff Bill.
  3. You really didn’t say this, right? Happy if they beat us????
  4. Merry Christmas! And hoping 2021 is a FANtastic year for each of you, including many play-off wins and maybe even the unspeakable 🙂
  5. It really is just sad at this point. If you know a true addict, this is not a surprise. My hope for him is that some day he realizes his problem and surrenders to the help he needs. This is not a football issue, it is a life and death issue. I pray for Josh Gordon, all you who love someone like him know the heartache.
  6. And I’ve got some serious grievances with a few of you! Watch out.
  7. Well, he kind of did when they played the Bills. Regardless, the Bills should simply do what they do best, pass first, run when you need to.
  8. There's plenty of motivation to keep winning: It's a culture thing - Winning breads winning; The Patriots - consider this, if they were in the Bills position, would they let up? And, it's the Patriots. Beating them is motivation enough; You need to make/send a statement to Fish, "yeah, your record is good, but you're still not as good as us!" (refer to point 2, think WWBBD: "What Would Bill B. Do?" ); and, Both games will have implications for play-off positioning--the Fish game may not by then--but until then, you keep playing to win.
  9. Check the 2007 Boise St vs. Oklahoma Fiesta Bowl game. An all-time great game, which ended with a proposal on the field. Boise St. pulled off like 5 trick plays that game, including the exact same play to win the game. That night, they wrote the book on football creativity and it seems like every trick play since them is some version of what they did in that Fiesta Bowl game. https://www.si.com/college/2019/08/12/best-bowl-games-college-football-history
  10. Starting to feel like this is a team of destiny. I hope I don't eat my words.
  11. @Virgil This may be your best of the season! Having become a Bills fan when Jack Kemp was the QB; watching the OJ years; living through the glory days of the early 90s and watching our beloved team lose four SBs; then the Great Train Robbery in Tenn that sent this franchise into a spiral; that is, the drought of 2000-2017, I think its okay, maybe good, to let the emotions flow and speak once in a while. I've spent 2 hours this morning reading every article, watching all the post game videos, and reading my TBD friends' posts .... and I admit, there have been tears of joy. THANK YOU for your weekly contribution to the fun of being a Bills fan. You epitomize what it means to be a part of the Bills Mafia. Your work is greatly appreciated. As for your thoughts this week, they were all spot on! Above, I cherry-picked those I most resonate with. Thank you, friend.
  12. Now that is low. Come on, if we can't meltdown and become totally irrational their, where can we ???? The fact the Bojo has not qualified for the punt stats all season is telling.
  13. I haven't seen that. Well, hopefully the 15 minute close contact thing is accurate.
  14. When watching it, I'm thinking "stay as far away from that crowd as you can, boys." Certainly McD told them that, right?
  15. Aaron Rodgers loved him in GB. I think this guy will stick, he's a great special teams player. And with that body--he's a bigger, faster, version of Duke Williams--can he be a TE ????
  16. We need 17 more yards to get over 500, get the ball back and go!!!!
  17. Should not have let them score there. Where’s the pressure ????
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