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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. I did not read the entire thread, so forgive me if this has already been brought up. But here is my question: They said in the explanation that he was down by contact. Okay. But I would like to ask those officials, had he got up, took off and gained yards or scored a touchdown, are you calling it back? Would the review have spotted it there and kept the clock running? ..... My gut feeling, no way they would change it. Clearly the "down by contact" was them covering their behind(s).
  2. I was "the Good, the Bad, or the Ugly?" Answer: All of the above in one game.
  3. I nominate this thread title for "Title of the Season." I laughed out loud when I read the "Five Mississippi" count. So true that this is what it felt like. I can just picture it in the back yard.
  4. No doubt that was a factor too! It is probably "all of the above" ( a few poor plays, miss-communication at time, a few missed tackles, wrong scheme, and some great calls by the Colts, etc.). The Colts had a great plan, good enough to keep them in the game. Hopefully it is correctable. .... But again, really appreciate you (and Bill) for doing this each year. It truly is a highlight, especially after a win! 👍 😀 👋
  5. Your list puts it all in perspective for us old timers. Take a win, no matter how you get there. But a little less drama would be welcomed 😁
  6. Agree! I thought Wallace was hurt, but then he was in on that last drive (which by the way, the Defense played much better on compared to the rest of the 4th quarter .... hmmm ????). All things considered, I feel Levi W is a better option than Josh N, but for some reason, Norman got a lot of playing time in this game.
  7. Thank you, Virgil. A great read, as always. You captured well my emotions (and my wife) after the game, so emotionally spent that it clearly effected us physically. We all probably put too much into this. But heck, that's why it is so fun, we are all dopamine seeking addicts. That's what makes the high so high, and, the lows so low. This one ends with a great high, and we all paid the price for it. Having said that, I rarely disagree with your takes, but there is a big one for me today: Linebacker play??? Not sure what the game plan was for them, but I thought collectively it was one of the worse performances by Milano and Edmonds all season. Give the Colts credit, as madding as it was (and I really really agree with you on that point), it worked--just not enough. That may have had a bunch to do with M & E's poor play. But it seemed to me, especially in the passing game, they were eating us alive with the middle of the field underneath stuff and TE crossing routes, and that is what Linebackers are responsible for in pass coverage. Just my opinion. Hopefully that can be corrected quickly, if not, teams will try to exploit it. Regardless, I'll take the win and move on--that's what you do in the play-offs. GO BILLS!!!!
  8. Clearly this is what Winston Churchill was referring to when he said: "It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma ; but perhaps there is a key."
  9. Yikes. But that confirms what we saw yesterday. It seemed like their TEs were running free on every play. It was not a good game for our Linebackers. .... I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but there are two other teams we could play that have outstanding TE play, Baltimore and KC. .... Regardless, somehow we need to fix it to make this aspect of our Defense at least respectable.
  10. Asked in several threads; seems to be the great mystery of the day ????
  11. We can't play Cleveland in the next round. The Chiefs get to play the lowest surviving team. With the Colts out, then comes Cleveland.
  12. You're right. It reminds me of the first win over the Patriots this year. It really didn't matter how it was accomplished, just find a way. And after that, things really started to click.
  13. CHRISTIAN WADE time! Finally! 🤪 🥳 👏
  14. These coaches like experience and smarts. Yeldon has both, and he catches the ball well. As much as I would lvoe to see Williams, I think it will be Yeldon.
  15. They are getting roasted for it. ... Did they bring back Al Riveron for this game? Sure looked like it.
  16. The full Josh Allen experience, we haven't had it in a while.
  17. Perspective: The Colts had a superb game plan and executed it to perfection. . . . The Bills didn't and didn't, and still won.
  18. Hurt (McKenzie)? I do not remember one motion play from him. Usually we're all over that.
  19. That kick was clutch. I think we have a a legit kicker.
  20. Awesome! My 3 year old grandson watched the whole game. We can't get him to sit still for 2 minutes. He loves Josh Allen.
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