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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Rodgers missed a few in the Red Zone, he must be an inaccurate passer.
  2. I re-watched the 2019 game on the NFL Network the other day. Two observations about the line play as compared to this year: (1) We do have three returning starters, Feliciano, Dawkins, and Morse .... Williams has been a huge upgrade and Ike B. has improved to where I say he is better over-all than Spain was. (2) Ford was a liability last year. It didn't help they blitzed so much. But Williams has been such an improvement at RT. Cody is better suite for a guard position. .... The line is much improved.
  3. Changed my mind, after reading all the posts, I'll go with: All of the Above! Final answer.
  4. I'm rooting for Yeldon to generally have a big game, 50+ on the ground and receiving, and a touchdown.
  5. Who doesn't want a free car wash? Get up and get over there!
  6. If I'm Urban Meyer, I get on the phone and see if they take the #1 pick for Watson. As much potential as Lawrence has, I will always take someone who has proved it over someone who might be that good - e.g., Stephon Diggs over a potential 1st round pick at the #17 pick this year. That is not an apples-to-apples comparison, it would depend on how big of a hurry Meyer's is in Jacksonville. Remember, NFL stands for: Not For Long.
  7. Well, can't deny that, but when you look at who they played, it is not as impressive. Nonetheless, they are good, but not impenetrable. I am confident the Bills can score on them. I believe if we get 25 or more, we win.
  8. House, you never use more than a sentence and you never disappoint. 😁 👋 👍
  9. Not a bad idea, Npeartisgod. I think they were so focused on making sure the in-stadium thing went well, there was no room for this type of discussion/idea. Had the stadium opened mid-season or some time earlier, maybe this? .... Also, if the stars align and Bills miraculously end up hosting the AFC championship, maybe something like this? But I would not count on it. I like your spirit.
  10. Well, no surprise. He and Herbert seemed like the best fit all along. I don't want to see him go, but if he does, this is the right place for him.
  11. Happy Game Day, everyone! I hope you have a FANtastic day, and an even better evening!! .... It's been a long week, and it's going to be a long day .... 8:15 PM cannot get here soon enough!!! GO BILLS !!!!
  12. I do not think for one second that McDermott is a racist or prejudice in his treatment of players, or any people. BUT, the Peterman experiment in LA that day was by far—nothing else even close—the dumbest coaching decision he has made in his 4 year stint with the Bills. We still don’t know why. It made no sense then, and still doesn’t now. And unfortunately, while I don’t believe it, it gives fodder for this type of perspective if one wants to take it. Fortunately for him, that decision has not come to define his time with the Bills. His belief in Josh Allen has proven to be much better placed than Nate Peterman. GO BILLS!!!
  13. Interesting take. I like your logic here.
  14. It really is a great mystery why they've kept him for three years but never put him on the field. If he does play this week, I hope it's his coming out party.
  15. Call me crazy, but i have a feeling we see Reggie Gilliam in the backfield this week: knows the play book, can block, good receiver, some speed. ????
  16. They'll be renting a snow-making machine this week and shooting it on their field during practice.
  17. Understood. Thanks friend. Hopefully civility reigns this weekend. I'm sure 99.9% of those that attended understand what a privilege it is and represent the rest us well.
  18. Chandler, you know I appreciate and respect the contribution you make to this board, but I have to ask, why show this stupidity? I also wonder, based on the comments made by those at the game how Security was all over them about mask wearing, but I don't see one bit of movement from them in this video. Everyone one of these idiots should have been kicked out and have their season tickets revoked. Just stupid!
  19. This! . . . In my very non-football-educated opinion I like this as well .... get into his head, and body with some hurt!
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