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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Shaw's point is spot on. We're not that physical on Defense. That does not mean we cannot be good. Our quickness, smarts, a few top-tier players, and the experience of playing in the system together for a few years now, is our edge. I do think this D can back to top 10 status, maybe top 5? One observation: It is interesting that Lotulelei is on the small side of an NFL nose tackles. Vernon Butler (6'3" 330) seems more suited for it. But I don't recall him getting a lot of time there, or doing much when he was there. I guess size isn't everything. Is Star's return is the the key to this Defense returning to elite status? Some, I think. More important, though, is the continued development of ability, production, and leadership the younger guys: Edmunds, Oliver, Harrison, Epenesa, the rookie edge guys, Dane or Levi, etc. If the D does (and I do think it will), combined with the Offensive potential, watch out!
  2. Agree! He probably is better, but is he worth the higher cost? If we’re going to invest $8 mil, I think there are wiser places to put it.
  3. Two Saturday afternoon games in August??? ... I'll tape them so I can watch it later--and it gives me ther added bonus of fast-forwarding through the commercials. Life is good.
  4. Thanks for the thoughtful perspective Shaw. And for the clarification on Edmunds and Beasley. I do agree with you that I think the Beasley thing has been way over-blown. He's not a conformist, but by all indications he has always been a great teammate. I want to think he'll do what he needs to make himself and his team better. And one big point related to that, McDermott's culture building emphasis and ability (which seems to be through the roof) will be tested here. I have no doubt he has been in conversation with Beasley, and is doing what he needs to make sure this does not become a distraction from the team goals. There's a popular business/leadership saying: "Culture trumps strategy, every time." McDermott strongly believes that (think, "the Process") and has worked too hard to let this issue distract from what he and Beane have built. A few have said this in the thread, and I'll second it: Our Defense will be better this year. Having Star back has to help. And, as you highlight, if Edmunds begins to get near his full potential that will be huge. Add to that, Ed Oliver! I am confident we will begin to see his full abilities as well this year. Milano is quietly becoming (outside of Buffalo) a star. Our secondary is top tier in the league. And, there is a lot of young talent (draftees over the past few years) that I think will emerge as they now know the system and can better execute it. I do think last year was an anomaly for this D. The line will be better. And this defense will be back in the Top 10 conversation, and statistically. One more point, to add to what Doc says above: McDermott and Beane have always given a lot of attention to Special Teams. It seems to be a focus of their Free Agent work each year. Bass is a budding superstar, it looks like we've improved at the Punter position, but the big question is who will be the top returner. We will miss Andre Roberts, but not that much. Which circles to my point about ST Free Agents and the emphasis there. We are going to learn this year, was it A Roberts, or was it more a product of a really good collection of ST players? I think whoever the return man is should be just fine? We'll see. My hope is we're saying, "Andre Who?" by mid-season. Training camp can't get here soon enough.
  5. Pinch me. I'm a lifelong Buffalo Bills fan, we jump through tables, "that's why we can't have nice things."
  6. I too was surprised by the wide range. This would make a great research project if the NFL or teams would allow someone to do it: "How did the messaging of management and coaching staff affect the receptivity and vaccination rates of NFL players?" And, are there applications there for the greater society?
  7. How about these guys? It's always good to introduce our youth to the classics. I love it . . .
  8. I wish they would just publish the numbers. I think we're all curious (the pro or against) about the numbers. They did reveal some, why not all? Especially if it is going to affect what and how you do things at practice and in the buildings, and travel and such once the season starts. Those numbers will make a competitive difference--I got to think the professional gambling industry (odds makers, pro. gamblers, Vegas, etc.) will need to know. It seems like they have to release all at some point?
  9. The most overrated and useless point in this discussion: "He was a teammate of Josh Allen's at Wyoming." That has absolutely NO influence on the current circumstances. The players with the most ability will play.
  10. I think this is the issue: Do the Bills want Beasley on the field? Absolutely! Does Beasley want to be on the field? Enough so that he'll follow the protocols? That is the real question. If not, the Bills will have no choice, the rules are set. And unless those rules get changed, he--like all NFL players--will have to decide whether he wants to play or follow his conscience and/or convictions. Are they deep enough to end his career? He will have to decide.
  11. I say a 5-7 win team. But they give solid depth. Several could be starting elsewhere.
  12. The Diggs snub is confusing. Edmunds is probably a bit over-rated; I would say he is honorable-mention level. He has great athletic tools and his moments; but when watching him every game, you get the feeling there is more there, he hasn't put it all together yet, there is room for more consistency and improvement--especially in his decision making. . . . And then I remember, "yeah, he is only 23." Time is on our side.
  13. He does a great job. And his big point is, everyone (that is, the national media) needs to start recognizing that Josh Allen is a generational talent. And his point about Allen's character and mental acumen not being valued enough is spot on. Yes, this year will either validate Josh or bring back the questions, but I see progression and validation this season because of his character, work ethic, and intelligence, on top of all the obvious physical abilities.
  14. Be sure you check out Rickett's Glenn--it may be the most spectacular piece of land in PA, and if you like to hike, Worlds End State Park is great for that (Canyon Vista Trail - 4.5 miles - is one of the best hikes in PA). It is a beautiful area.
  15. I live near Dushore: No one gets a TV signal in Dushore, or cell phone coverage. You better plan a trip to Scranton, or Wilkes-Barre or Williamsport are a bit closer.
  16. Looks like they both did well. Congratulations to all, and may they both have wonderful lives together--with their brides, that is.
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