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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. I have nothing to verify the veracity of this, but from their page this morning comes this by poster MiaFins31 (relatively new to their board) - It's an interesting read, but a 3:03 AM conversation could be full of liquid induced imagination; nonetheless, it's entertaining: Today at 4:03 AM #568 Ok so I talked to a good friend about an hour ago that is a scout for a team that was/is involved in the DW4 trade talks.. Take this for what it’s worth... Miami absolutely wants DW4. Flo and Grier have never been sold on Tua. Stephen Ross made that call when we drafted him. I’ve been told this numerous times. Ross had wanted Tua ever since he threw the pass against Georgia to win the title. That was 100% Ross pulling rank on Flo/Grier. When the boss says you’re going to draft this guy then you do it if you want to keep your job. Ross has started to come around on what Flo/Grier an others in the FO have been telling him and that’s Tua is an average QB. Flo/Grier absolutely don’t believe he can beat Buffalo or KC. According to my guy Flo/Grier believe that Miami is the 3rd best team in the AFC right now but that’s our ceiling with Tua. Also other teams around the league believe Miami is ready to challenge for a Super Bowl RIGHT NOW at every other position. The key words being RIGHT NOW. Flo/Grier and others in the FO believe that adding DW4 is the missing piece to beating Buffalo and KC. They want DW4 bad but here’s the hold up. Houston doesn’t want to budge off the 3 1s and 2 2s. However DW4 has informed Houston he will sign off on a trade to Miami or Carolina. That report is 100% true but Carolina isn’t willing to pay the price bc they believe if they pay it they become Houston East. A team with an elite QB and nothing else around him and no future to add with no premium picks. Miami is the only team left at the table and Miami WILL NOT give up 3 1s and 2 2s because we ain’t going to bid against only ourselves. We are willing to give 2 1s 2 2s and 3. However Houston believes these will be low picks bc they think SF is absolutely a playoff team now and in the future and obviously if we add DW4 they believe we are Super Bowl contenders this year. So for Houston they see what Miami wants to give as late 20s 1st rounders. However the belief is Houston will eventually budge in the coming days because they have no other options. I was also told everybody in the league knows Houston screwed up horribly by not trading him when he first wanted out back in the spring. 5 teams would have been willing to pay what Houston wanted but they truly believed they could talk DW4 into staying with a fresh start but obviously that was never the case. They thought DW4 was bluffing about sitting out but as they’ve seen he wasn’t. Now for the biggest piece of the puzzle.. the sexual allegations. The BELIEF around the league is that DW4 is innocent of everything except being stupid by putting himself in this situation. The NFL investigators BELIEVE this is nothing more than a money grab by ALL these women as they’ve talked to the ones that were willing to talk and the stories just made no sense. This is an exact quote... “Everybody around the league knows this is just a money grab... Why do you think he hasn’t been suspended or even put on the exempt list? All this bad PR an people really believe that the NFL is still gathering facts lol... DW4 wants to clear his name but most around the league are guessing he’ll end up writing a check and that’ll settle everything.” Miami has also been clear that if/when this trade happens anything we give to Houston will absolutely have protections on it JUST IN CASE something unforseen were to happen. Houston has told Miami they would be ok with this. Again the hold up is the compensation itself. I asked him what do you believe will happen. This is another exact quote... “Barring a breakdown at the last minute DeShaun Watson will be the starting QB for the Miami Dolphins at some point this season. Miami is expecting a 2-4 game suspension for DW4 from the NFL just for “optics” so Tua would be the insurance to get them through those few games until DW4 returns.” Last I asked what is Tuas fate in all this.. “If this trade works out the way Miami wants Tua will be traded in the offseason”. I asked what is Tuas value around the league.. “If Tua did have to step in for DW4 for 2-4 games an he plays well Miami could MAYBE get a late 1st in return but as of today his value is a 2nd or 3rd rounder. Everybody has seen the tapes on him and they know he lacks real arm strength and the “IT” factor... It’s no secret that Miami doesn’t believe in him so that hurts his value somewhat” Everybody please take this for what it’s worth. Don’t get upset at me if it’s wrong or off base somewhat or whatever. This is what I was told by a guy I’ve known since we were kids and the guy is a 8 year scout in the league. For the record he was right on the money at draft time about Waddle and he also told me 2 weeks before the draft Justin Fields would land in Chicago. He’s been right much more often than he is wrong. Once again this is the NFL and things can happen in a split second that change everything. However I have no reason to doubt my guy. DONT SHOOT THE MESSENGER
  2. And this is why I think they will go with seven WRs and three TEs. It’s so fast paced that you have to have an extra person at the position to help keep people fresh.
  3. Because the Grand Wizard Beane is trying to trade him.
  4. I sure wish they would move him to the outside in a three LB formation. He has speed and length, but he lacks the strength and power needed to be a middle of the field run-stopper.
  5. Josh Allen Gabriel Davis Cole Beasley Jake Fromm Justin Zimmer Bougie Basham Andre Smith Siran Neal
  6. Some are saying Zimmer might be odd man out on D-line. I guess I’m watching a different team, because I see him as a starter on the Bills.
  7. AJ Epeneza making Reid Ferguson expendable ???? …. Saves a roster spot 🤪
  8. That's $14K worth of procrastination. They probably told him, "Get the shot and the slot position is yours after we cut Beasley's prick-less arm!" 🤣
  9. Preseason Trash Talk! Now we're starting to get into regular season shape.
  10. That will be interesting, especially with Stevenson, and now McKenzie, injured.
  11. I seriously doubt Josh Allen has any say in this. 🤪
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