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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Thanks for your work on this. my apologies, not dogging on you.
  2. Yeah, that heading above is confusing on many levels “at the Buffalo Bills” ???
  3. Only one week, but no one expected the Bills to be the 27th ranked offense. That hurts.
  4. Yes, I stay away and find I'm much more productive in my real job after a loss.
  5. On a serious note, and depressive one, so our last two #2 picks (Boggie and AJ) were basically invisible on Sunday. Number 2 picks have to be better, both should be high-contributing starters, at the least.
  6. How do you handle a Passport when you need one for foreign travel?
  7. I hope so, I just started looking today. Glad I didn’t pull the trigger, prices should be coming down. 😜
  8. Okay, I see your point. Good discussion. Hopefully all three phases get better soon.
  9. Well, Nick gets to crow this week. Let him have his moment. Better yet, just ignore him.
  10. Not sure anyone was saying that Hap. I think we all understand the total points is what really counts 🙂 - I think? The point of this discussion was the points the Defense gave up, which, if my math is correct, was 16. That is a pretty good day. My general concern about the Defense: It seems the Steelers made adjustments at half-time and figure out how to move the ball. But the Bills Defense did not make any counter moves. Maybe that was the time to go back to the zone coverage. It was obvious to all, because of the short routes and intentional quick release strategy of Big Ben, we weren't going to get much pressure on him, so stay back, keep them in front of you. But having said that, we were one pass interference call and a bobbled ball that fell into the receivers hands away from a win--and in close games, those plays get magnified. Having said that, while not perfect, they still played well. The Defense did their part. It was the Offense and ST that contributed the most to this loss. I'm not worried about our D. It looked improved this weekend.
  11. Yeah, I'm sure every team in the league says the same thing. Ugh 🤪
  12. Thanks, as always Virgil. I totally agree with your take on trying to force-feed Sanders. I feel like I saw the same thing. And in doing so, it seemed like Josh was missing the easier throws. Also, I'm still mystified on the Bills running game strategy. Eleven carries for Singletary (which were quite productive). If a team is only going to play 4 D-lineman, and six D-backs, take what they're giving you, the 5-8 yard runs all day. It seems we didn't even try to exploit that until it was too late ??? Ugh, just a colossal letdown. On to Miami . . .
  13. If it is broken, its the end of his career. But too early to know anything.
  14. This, right there is what really has me miffed. How could you let them block a punt and then score on it?
  15. What I don't like? .... You know all the talk about keeping ST players over others because its so important? .... You know what, despite all the other things that went wrong, if we just execute a punt this game is still tied. And ever worse, that block came up the middle and it looked like two black and yellow guys could have got it. .... That is the most frustrating thing for me from this game. Just execute simple punt blocking and we probably don't lose this game. And, J Johnson, he was the one who should have slid over to get the guy looping around--he touched no one on the play.
  16. Again: The Play calling. 1st and goal and two run and a short pass??????
  17. Questionable PI call, and a very fortunate bobble and catch. Okay, time to earn that big paycheck Josh.
  18. Pretty sure that was going to be RB pass, but Gilliam totally whiffed on his block.
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