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Everything posted by GoBillsRollTide

  1. Any word or rumors on if the bills will finally change their uniforms this year? I am hoping for the throwback unis with a the white helmet but the same logo we have now.
  2. where do the players and guest of honor usually stay?
  3. I wish the hall was a bit more selective...6-7 players/administrators is way to many.
  4. Ill have some monday...AFTER THIS WEEKEND!
  5. hahahah i think you should worry about yourself.
  6. Does anyone no the actual answer?
  7. What does the C stand for in Ralph C. Wilson Jr.?
  8. I will be there with 6 others, can't wait
  9. Change the helmet to have the charging buffalo and i am in!
  10. Any word on how he is doing at camp? Hopefully he will be much improved from last year, or else there is no reason we don't bring in Derrick Brooks.
  11. What are the odds we go to these uniforms full time next year? My other suggestion is to keep the charging buffalo but on a white helmet.
  12. I think we won the division the week before against the chiefs, thats why the sellout streak was broken the jets game
  13. I had 2 pairs of snow pants on the buffalo bills ski mask my whole body was vaselined up i couldnt move i had so much clothes on probably went through a 50 pack of hand warmers. My dad had to sneak us out of the house cause my mother told him no way in hell we were going to that game
  14. The Bills Jets game -28 with wind chill how many of my fellow bills fans beat the elements and went to this game? The lasting image i have from that game is as a 9 year old asking my dad why those men have NO SHIRT ON? and my dad looking back at me laughing with no answer. Classic Buffalo Bills moment for me, just wanted to see who else was at that game.
  15. If they just change the helmet to white and use the throwback unis and create an away one, it would generate a ton of revenue from people buying new merchandise while also allowing people to keep old flags etc because the logo would not change. COME ON RUSS SEE THE LIGHT! maybe these 50th anniversary helmets are a test run!
  16. Roll Tide to that video
  17. Any chance we finally go throwback as our normal jersey? I would love to see the white helmet come back with the charging buffalo like the one we have on our helmets now!
  18. http://prod1.agileticketing.net/WebSales/P...aebb660069&
  19. Cynical are you a fellow bama grad?
  20. As an alabama alum the "bear" is right where he should be on that list. Maybe him and vince should be 2A and 2B
  21. Don't know who we'd blame more, but i can promise you either Colt McCoy of Sam Bradford would be the next qb at one bills drive if TE doesn't perform in 2009.
  22. Yeah the football game tickets are not on discount they just released sideline seats. Just bummed they didn't release the floor tickets, or atleast put a disclaimer saying better tickets may still be released. O well maybe that is asking to much. I am just pumped to finally be going up, the next chance might not come for 5-10 more years with Andre.
  23. A bunch of us are meeting up there and instead of tailgating in the parking lots etc we'd decided we go to a bar. Can anyone who has been previously recommend a great place?
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