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Everything posted by ThereIsNoDog

  1. And the Bills haven't been attempting to get stronger?
  2. There was only one Bruce Smith. And maybe playing Maybin as an OLB a la Terrell Suggs would be a good move for this year. But he's just 21 and can still fill-out his frame.
  3. Danny boy just wants to win!
  4. Vick pleaded guilty to felony charges in August of 2007 and was awaiting sentencing in November. The number of games for which he was suspended was 7. So he got suspended 9 games total for killing scores of dogs, gambling, lying to Goodell, and oh yes, failing a drug test (he probably also gave a few chicks herpes, but that's not a legal crime). The time served in jail doesn't count as "suspension." That sounds fair?
  5. Were you? Not that it matters, since it's a known fact that Lynch's side view mirror hit the woman.
  6. I answered your question. You obviously didn't understand the response. Mostly because you fail to understand the concept of "precedent." Like how Marshall's prior arrests for domestic abuse and suspension, which was reduced to 1 game, show that he has a history of violence towards women. Yet when a cop arrests him for doing it again, it's "nothing to see here, move along" because the charges were dropped, as if it never happened and the cop imagined him hitting her. The same thing with your unfortunate citing of Tank Johnson, who was first arrested for having a gun in his car, before he was arrested again for having guns in his house and violating parole, utlimately getting suspended for 8 games. And in both cases, Goodell offered a chance to reduce the suspension by 2 games. Why not in Lynch's case? What precedent did Lynch set? Exercising his 5th amendment right? Oh, the humanity! Goodell is a joke. But obviously he's not the only one.
  7. What players do you believe the Bills let walk because Ralph was the one who wouldn't pay them/didn't want them back? So if he's more interested in making money than winning SB's, why keep the team in Buffalo all these years?
  8. I don't see how a Bills fan can shrug-off Goodell's treatment of Marshall' or vick and be fine with his ruling on Lynch.
  9. It is? How do you figure?
  10. Marshall was arrested for beating up his woman. It wasn't some joe schmoe making a baseless allegation. This after getting suspended for beating up his woman and getting his suspension reduced by 2 games if he attended anger management sessions. Which apparently didn't work. And apparently neither did the sit-down and suspension. And with the latest, and further, embarrassment of a ruling by Goodell on Vick, it puts things into light WRT what a joke Goodell's "Personal Conduct Policy" truly is. How anyone, much less a Bills fan, can defend his treatment of Marshall, and especially Vick, is unbelievable.
  11. Goodell is truly a joke. What an embarrassment for the NFL. Goodell would probably whore his own mother out.
  12. Don't let facts get in the way of JohnC's history revision.
  13. Too bad Bowlen remembered that he wanted to fire Shanahan. McDaniels is a mess.
  14. And the price for not saying "TBD" is $5.00.
  15. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  16. Again, the fact that the Chargers had the first overall pick in the draft, because they were the worst team in the NFL the previous year, is far from "masterful." And they were fortunate that Manning was coming out and that the Giants coveted him. Taking Rivers was a mistake given the way Brees has played and they totally blew that one, but recovered by Rivers being a decent QB. And things go in cycles. The Chargers were a joke for much of the 80's and 90's while the Bills had their run in the 90's. As for the Colts, Polian has done an excellent job. And a lot of that is because of Manning. Without him, they don't have nearly the success. And if only he'd been able to draft a decent NT. The Bills might have won a SB or two.
  17. Having a rep and then getting arrested, even if you're cleared, can definitely be grounds for being fired. Especially if it puts your business in a bad light. Which is the idea behind the PCP.
  18. Well, latest reports are that the Broncos are warning the Jets against tampering. Seems they want to keep Marshall for this season at least and are telling the Jets to cease and desist.
  19. Someone should hack into his teleprompter, or at least disable it.
  20. Not yet we haven't. If you get arrested and suspended by work for something, and then go out and get arrested for the same thing but charges are dropped, odds are you're going to get fired. Your rep has already been made.
  21. Yes, but I'm sure he's one HELL of a HS football coach. And probably on defense, not ST's. Edit: Just looked him up - he's an assistant coach there, not even a head coach. It didn't say what unit (offense, defense, or ST's) though.
  22. Marshall has multiple prior offenses, including beating up women. He was arrested again earlier this year for beating up his girlfriend. Without the prior history, no getting arrested wouldn't be enough to suspend him (again). But he obviously hasn't learned his lesson.
  23. I'm guessing it has to do with Van Der Waals forces.
  24. Yeah, but those were some pretty passes.
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