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Everything posted by ThereIsNoDog

  1. Why would the Bills sign him to a contract, back in June (when only Stafford was signed until Sanchez signed on the 11th) only to see Byrd's career possibly end before it began? Byrd should have had the surgery in June, been recovered with enough time to get a contract, and challenge for a starting spot, which would bring him more money.
  2. The Bills are definitely high on Bell. But now I'm starting to think they'll handle him like they did Peters and have him play at RT first. Frankly I'd be much more comfortable with him at RT, Butler at RG, Hangartner at C, Wood at LG, and Walker at LT.
  3. Wow, nice fantasy.
  4. He is not in a contract year. He's in the 4th year of a 5-year deal.
  5. If he gets re-elected, the people of CT are F'ing morons.
  6. If he makes the Pro Bowl, it will be based on performance, not rep like Peters last year. But if that happens, the more important question is, will he holdout until 2 days before the season starts, play like crap, and then refuse to negotiate with the Bills unless he gets his numbers?
  7. Much more realistic than that back of the envelope stuff. Also one needs to take into account the cost to run the program. The $1B pricetag was strictly for the rebates. And again, relating this to my original point, the health care overhaul, it's a lot easier to come up with an addition $2B, than it is to come up with an additional $2T.
  8. Yeah, right. A-Rod did it just for that season, and so did Big Papi. Manny was the exception.
  9. We'll see how long that one lasts.
  10. Peters has missed the last 2 games of the season the past 2 years. So there's a concern. Being on the PUP list was likely a polite way of saying that he came into camp in less-than-optimal condition. And it seemed to take Peters by surprise. Welcome to Philly!
  11. What was the offer for Dockery that the Bills "screwed up?" And how did they screw it up? Regarding the bolded part, Peters has been in the NFL for 5 years. So if the average life span of a player is three years, giving him a gigantic contract, when he's missed 2 games due to injury the past 2 years, isn't exactly smart is it? And as of this moment, he's on the PUP list for the Eagles. Nevermind the utter lack of professionalism he showed last year, which, if the Bills "lowballed" him, was probably the reason they didn't go as high as he thought he deserved. And the Bills must think highly of Bell, if Clark Judge saw fit to write about it.
  12. What pick for Dockery? Where? And they screwed-up with Peters? By giving him a new deal after 2 years and making him think that he'd get one after every 2 years? If so, I agree.
  13. Peters wasn't too happy about playing LT last season either, because he was playing for a mere $4.5M. At least I know that Walker, while unhappy, will give his best effort and try to improve his play.
  14. Jennings missed 3/games a year with the Bills. Peters has missed 2 games each of the past 2 years, not including the first game of the season.
  15. You were planning on selling the cars (you would have had to buy 2 new ones) you would have bought?
  16. Look at it this way. What if Peters ends-up missing a good portion of his starts because of injury, like Jonas Jennings (another player Bills fans complained about losing) did for the 49'ers? Would this validate the Bills' decision to trade him?
  17. Read my original statement WRT health care. And if it's such a great program, why not continue it until ALL "clunkers" are off the road?
  18. You could either spend more money, or do what they did and pull the plug on the CFC/CARS program. What happens when they've planned poorly and failed to anticipate the demand for health care, and it ends-up costing much much more than they thought?
  19. I can only assume it was Eugene Parker's doing, relating to contract negotiations.
  20. Poor planning. Failure to anticipate the demand. And probably wasted more money than it was supposed to save.
  21. Great! It looks like Byrd has Crowell's (lack of) brains when it comes to having surgery in a timely fashion.
  22. Figures And these guys think they can fix health care?
  23. Where did you hear the bolded part? I've read about his weight being what you mentioned, but nothing about his strength.
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