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Everything posted by ThereIsNoDog

  1. Can't get the link (or links through a search) to work. This wouldn't happen to be the "he brought his own alcohol into bars" thing, would it?
  2. I don't understand lame excuses for Goodell's inconsistent actions. Obviously you do.
  3. Fair enough. But do you think that 3 games drives home the point better than 2 games, or even 1? Does suspending him at all drive home the point better than being on probation for his misdemeanor?
  4. So all Goodell's talk of "personal conduct" is just a load of horse sh--, eh? Since he's ultimately pandering to lawmakers, the buying public, and the player's union, right?
  5. If I'm not mistaken, Goodell already waved-off the arrest for beating up his girlfriend (and there was a police report stating that he was punching and kicking her) and is awaiting the case where he beat someone else up.
  6. Sorry, I should have used "engage in high risk activities."
  7. Didn't Marshall get arrested for beating-up his girlfriend earlier this year, only to get NOTHING form Goodell after "letting him off the hook" last year?
  8. This is rich! Pierce "was in shock?"
  9. If it were, he'd have suspended Vick indefinitely. Unless the "buying public" is a bunch of dog-killing, wife-beating, drunks...oh, wait a minute!
  10. Yeah, piss on the doctors and insurance companies! Let's let everyone eat, smoke, drink, drug, screw, speed, BASE jump, etc. to their hearts content and make everyone ELSE pay for it. This is America, we don't need personal accountability! We can just rely on someone else to take the fall and/or pay for it all.
  11. I think we're all starting to catch-on to the Commish. How embarrassing. Edit: Well to be fair to the Commish, he hasn't made a ruling on Pierce. If he passes however, it's an embarrassment. It involved a gun, after all!
  12. Ah, the "opinion...of the buying public" pretty much nails the level of thought this took on Goodell's part. Because the "lawmakers" deemed that Lynch deserved a traffic ticket for his "hit and run" and a misdemeanor for the illegal gun.
  13. Leinart sucks. Maybe if the Cards had a pro bowl TE, they could recreate the talent he had making him look better at USC.
  14. Probably one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard. You realize that quite a few abusive spouses end-up killing their spouse, right? Not to mention the absurdity of a gun in and of itself can do harm.
  15. Fine. Where is the government option for car insurance?
  16. As I said in the "Cash for Clunkers" thread I started, the government will sorely underestimate health care reform demand/funding, like it did with the C.A.R.S. program. Except that it's a HELL of a lot harder to come up with $2T, than $2B. And does anyone among the 83% insured want to pay $1T (lots of luck with that) so that the other 17%, many of whom can afford insurance but choose not to get it, don't take care of themselves at all, and who are illegal aliens, can get health insurance? Really?
  17. Obviously they don't "have" to wait for Crabtree. They want to, because he's asking for top-3 money, and if he gets is, Maybin's agent will ask for slightly less, citing "slotting (based on this year, not last)."
  18. Crabtree, whose contract Maybin's agent Joel Segal is waiting to see, is looking for more money than the ridiculous contract the Raiders gave to Darius Heyward Bey. Maybin could be out awhile.
  19. Vick didn't "embarrass" Goodell worse after his sit-down? Or should I say, the greater "embarrassment" was only worth 2 extra games?
  20. Wow, 10 posts from midnight to 1 AM defending Peters. You're right Thurm, there is definitely NOT a Jason Peters fan club here. And you are certainly NOT it's president. The problem with that is he was just traded to a team that has routinely made the playoffs this decade.
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