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Red Squirrel

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Everything posted by Red Squirrel

  1. I'm not a big fan of labeling guys based on where they come from. I think blaming what happened to Sanchez on his reaction to poor weather is missing the point. The thing I would be concerned about if I were a Jets fan is every time he screwed up, he seemed to get even tighter. I saw this happen to him vs ASU last year (in sunny So Cal, BTW), and even though his team was good enough to overcome his sucking, that game really stuck in my mind when the draft approached. I would never criticize the kid for taking the chance on coming out as opposed to risking what happened to Crawford and Tebow, but the Jets reached for him in the draft, rushed him too soon into the starting spot, reveled in the attention brought to the organization by his pretty boy looks, and were active participants in over hyping the kid's poise. The Jets are going to sink like a rock after this game, and they deserve it.
  2. I'm vaguely remembering a play when Booker's helmet fell off and he still lowered his noggin and crashed into somebody. He was a tough dude, and one wonders how he would have done as a player if not for the Guillain-Barre. Regardless, it is sad he is gone but also nice to hear he was well liked and respected in his second career.
  3. I thought it was Rob Johnson that had all the concussions.
  4. My nomination for biggest upset would be 11-18-1984; our 0-11 squad humiliated the 7-4 Cowboys, 14-3. Greg Bell ran for 206 yards with an 85 yd TD. I also agree that beating the Jets in '68 ranks high on the list; only problem is I'm not old enough to remember that one.
  5. I went through about ten posts on this thread and found myself agreeing. It is easy to get your blood boiling over anything involving Jerry Jones. Then, I did a dangerous thing. I clicked on the link to the article, and READ it. Jerry plainly and clearly said he thought it was wrong that SMALLER markets, like KC and Green Bay, were subsidizing a larger market in Minneapolis. The part about, "That's called revenue sharing. That's on its way out" seems to be pointed at one (not so small) market which he feels should be able to take care of it's own stadium issues. This is a long way away from localizing TV contracts, ending the salary cap permanently, ending the draft, etc. What this really sounds like to me (and clearly ESPN.com, since it's the way they headlined their version of this article) is Jerry is helping Ziggy in an attempt to extort a new stadium from Minnesota taxpayers.
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