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Everything posted by bufferman

  1. The most important thing that Berman said is that it is really the fans that were being enshrined. That is what is important to embrace and run with, so that going forward this franchise and its fans are treated fairly after Ralph's passing.Its going to be a fight so we need to be prepared for the fight. No more of this "poor city" bull crap.
  2. Thats how thet created the Jason Peter's monster.
  3. In my opinion it would be relatively inexpensive for the Buffalo Niagara Partnership to conduct a study to support the fact that the Buffalo region is more than capable of supporting a franchise. When the time comes Toronto bidders are going to make every effort to blow the lid off any Buffalo bidders. It will be up to the NFL to have all relevent information at its disposal if Buffalo bidders expect support from the other 16 or so small markets. It ultimately will in all liklihood be up to the NFL to decide if it will allow the move to Canada. It is imperative for the region to be proactive in dispelling the notion that it is the smallest market. This is purely a myth that repeated over time has become a truism. Buffalo and Rochester and population within a 100 miles in all directions should be as much Buffalo's marketing area as any other metro area is allowed to calculate. The Standard consolidated statistical counting mechanism has never allowed Buffalo to count its numbers in a manner that leaves a favorable impression. For the NFL, Toronto is Buffalo's secondary market not the other way around. Might as well start the fight early because it is sure to get ugly. In reality the demise of the Blue Jays and the uncertain success of the NFL experiment in Toronto should put these demons to rest. The reason that they will continue to fight is that the exposure of the NFL in Toronto is almost the equivalent of getting the olympics. START FIGHTING FOR WHAT IS YOURS NOW AND DO NOT FALL ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH!!!!!! Make this a national and international issue. Do not allow a natural resource to be stolen.
  4. The study is purely emperical and based upon people leaving the city of Pittsburgh. It is a statistical urban study of population. I will say it again, there are very few cities in the world that have the logistical population at its disposal for trade, commerce and tourism that Buffalo has. The problem is, that it can't count the millions of people across the border and therefore this cosistently paints a negative picture instead of a true picture.
  5. I sometimes do a double take when I read these posts. Buffalo is in the middle of the fifth largest population base in North America The Buffalo Bills are part of Buffalo, a natural resource if you will. For the purpose of football, Buffalo is a primary marketplace and Toronto is the secondary marketplace. Toronto wants to acquire the Bills "lock stock and barrel". They will make every effort to bring the team north and will manipulate all of the census data to their advantage. The truth is that it is primarily immigrants who have absolutely no interest in North American football. Those who want to bring the team ito Toronto look at Buffalo and Buffalonians like there a joke. Years ago when the Blue Jays sold out every game the parking lots were filled with NY State plates. The Blue Jays now have one of the lowest attendance figures in the league. Toronto is all for and about Toronto. They do not care about any support that may have come from NYS. Part of the problem is that Buffalo and its' media market continuously puts itself in a box which sees itself as a dying urban jurisdiction. They use this to their advantage and will seize upon this mentality when "push comes to shove". So quit your whining and your self perpetuated inferiority complex. You are and always will be a football town like very few on the planet. Stand up and be heard. Do whatever needs to be done but stop putting yourself down.
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