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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. There was a 'Red Barn' on Lakeshore Drive in Dunkirk, my dad's hometown. I remember it as kid in the '70s when we went to see my grandmother. The building has survived and is currently operating as 'Pizza Village' (below), directly across the road from the Dunkirk Marina. My image from the '70s is the 'Sears Winner II' sneaker. I had these bad boys in green and in red (the split suede over nylon) when I was in middle school. I thought they were awesome when I was a kid. ❤️
  2. Tony Mandarich and Ryan Leaf concur.
  3. Honestly, I don't know why Deion is so bent out of shape. Vince Lombardi's bust looks nothing like him either. The head seems a little too oblong...
  4. Yeah, no thanks. It's not 1973 when rookie QB Joe Ferguson set a Bills record for fewest pass attempts in a season (164). Turn the kid loose and see what he can do. If McDermott and Beane are as intelligent as most believe, then they should have figured out by now that sustained winning in today's NFL is predicated on a very good, if not explosive, offense not a great defense. Relying on your defense to carry you year in and year out is not a sustainable model for success as defensive volatility is too great from season to season. The Bills will be faced with some tough financial decisions regarding their D very soon which could set it back from the elite status it currently has. An average offense will not overcome an average defense. Defensive guru or not, McDermott will last longer as a Head Coach in the league if he establishes a great offense and an average defense than he will the other way around.
  5. Yeah, I got that. I was just giving some context to @YattaOkasan 's question. They mentioned KC and DAL as teams to watch in 2020. It doesn't take any deep-dive analysis to come up with that. They really went out on a limb there.
  6. Joe Marino of 'Locked On Bills' has mentioned on more than one occasion that the Bills were in '11 Personnel' a shade over 70% from, I believe, Week 11 (?) on last season. You would think that would logically (hopefully) continue with the addition of Stefon Diggs.
  7. That's about as 'off color' as his language would get. That's akin to an f-bomb for McDermott. ? Good for him by leading by example.
  8. So Winters back to the Jest for a 5th sounds about right. J-E-S-T...JEST, JEST, JEST!!! Jest fans upon reacquiring Winters: "I nevuh wanted dem to cut 'im anyways. I blame Gase and Woody! But a GREAT move by Peedason to get 'im back. Dey don't know what dey're doin' up in Buffalo. We fleeced 'em. Wait...wut position does he play again?"
  9. No. It makes you a long-suffering Bills fan. There are few...maybe no...fan bases less knowledgeable than Jest fans. They are a mostly mouth breathing lot.
  10. Given the Feliciano loss, this was a no brainer and fits Beane's m.o., IMO. They weren't finding better depth on the street at this point.
  11. Hands across the water (water) Heads across the sky Hands across the water (water) Heads across the sky Admiral Halsey notified me He had to have a berth or he couldn't get to sea I had another look and I had a cup of tea and butter pie (butter pie) The butter wouldn't melt so I put it in the pie
  12. My wife's grandmother turned 96 this past July. She's slowed down, obviously, but she's still sharp as a tack and has never worn glasses or contacts...although her hearing (or difficulty with it) is like you'd expect from a 96 year old. Happy Birthday, Marv! Here's to hoping for more.
  13. All the small things True care truth brings I'll take one lift Your ride, best trip Always I know You'll be at my show Watching, waiting Commiserating Say it ain't so, I will not go Turn the lights off, carry me home Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na, na Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na, na Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na, na Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na, na
  14. Diarrhea, COVID-19, Ellen DeGeneres...just to name a few.
  15. It might need its own wing. ?
  16. I say replace it with this...now we're talkin'. Best hair in Canton!
  17. RIP, Wilford...
  18. Didn't Kraft already get relief for his package on more than one occasion?
  19. You're kidding, right? There are plenty of people on this board living in either Virginia or Maryland. I just assumed that most sports fans have heard of Frostburg State just like they've probably heard of University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Maybe I'm wrong and I'm just too much of a sports geek.
  20. Man...memories. Game shows were a staple of my childhood in the '70s. A lot of great ones in this thread. Here are a few of my faves: Allen Ludden ('Password')...the love of Betty White's life Bert Convy ('Tattletales') Peter Tomarken ('Press Your Luck')
  21. I ordered some seeds and instead got a blowup doll so I said, "F*ck it..."
  22. That was a deliciously funny and campy episode.
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