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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. They're going to have to reschedule this game. No way it happens on Sunday now, IMO.
  2. It is in the Sanu household...
  3. We'll see. Kevin Stefanski looks like he's going to be able to finally get all of that talent to play as a cohesive team but every time the Brownies start feeling their oats, they get punched in the mouth by Pittsburgh. They are to the Stillers what the 2000-2018 Bills have been to the Patriots*.
  4. Unless BOB completely destroys Watson by year's end. Sad. Are you crazy?? The Bills should offer their 7th...they are dealing with BOB, after all. 😉
  5. The first thing I noticed was that the attacker appears to be a 'lefty'. I doubt he would have attacked that quickly and violently with his off hand. They should be looking for a southpaw...or a boxer...or both. Does Sly Stallone have a grudge with Rick Moranis? 😉 🤕 Seriously, though...that was a disgusting act of cowardice.
  6. The catchy 'trap game' moniker was proven to be a false narrative years ago. It's just statistically not true: "Using Pro-Football-Reference’s wonderful game finder, I observed every game where a team above .500 played a below .500 team over the past 10 seasons (2002-2011). Over 1359 games, the above .500 team won 79.5% of the time. We must compare the above .500 team’s win percentage in trap games to this base rate of 79.5% in order to see if good teams lose at a statistically significantly higher rate. Limiting the sample to our trap game definition (n=515), the above .500 team won 80.5% of the time, a full percentage point higher than in the full sample. Far from a losing more frequently, as we would expect by the trap game logic, good teams tend to do even better against worse teams the week before they play a good team. However, this difference is not statistically significant: a difference of means t-test yields a t-value of just 0.60. So we fail to reject the null hypothesis that good teams have a different win percentage in trap games than they do in any game against a sub-.500 team." https://harvardsportsanalysis.wordpress.com/2012/11/22/debunking-the-trap-game-and-letdown-game-myths/
  7. Surname...family law firm. We're not deep enough in the South for the latter. 😇
  8. (This is a real law firm here in Richmond)
  9. Fourth and a foot, 0-3, and Gase kicks a FG. What a gutless wuss.
  10. He was a total POS as a player, too. The kind of guy you wanted playing for you and not against you.
  11. ...or for alliteration 'Teen Terror' or 'Rag Red'. Exactly. Maybe in a month or so.
  12. Hang in there, MN. It's never an easy day but you have 12 years of great memories. My dog (black lab/beagle mix) is a similar age. We got her in 2008 (November), the same year my mom passed (January). I have had all kinds of pets since I was a kid but this is my first since the '90s/early 2000s. She's a great companion and family member. She's still healthy and happy (knock wood) but I am dreading the day you are enduring now. Peace.
  13. RIP, Mac. Another piece of my childhood gone. I remember my mom watching 'The Mac Davis Show' when I was a kid on Grand Island in the '70s. For me, this is the song that always comes to mind...
  14. Mission accomplished!
  15. 'The Vegas Wind' The Vegas Wind is a pirate Blustering from the Mojave Desert you see, With a sickening song, he spreads droplets along, Swaggering carelessly. His face is unmasked, weather beaten. He swears, is rude and is brash, With a tinfoil hat on his head, And a bristling defiant panache. He shrugs as he roams the country, A footballer big and bold. And other teams all shake and quiver and quake, As he imperils his foes, new and old. The Vegas Wind is a Raider, Defying protocol just for fun. He'll mock the league rules, act as if he's just won And laugh when you test positive son.
  16. Seems like the perfect name, too, given the subject of this thread... 😇
  17. Personally, I'd rather see KC win. The Bills get a chance to hand them a loss in a couple of weeks and gain an upper hand in possible playoff seeding. They don't get that chance in the regular season against Baltimore.
  18. He got that gig solely on his talent. Nepotism had nothing to do with it. Sincerely, Joe Buck
  19. She should have thought of that 9 months ago... 🤪
  20. It was a legit penalty. At best, it was PI. At worst, it was defensive holding. The refs made the right call, thankfully. Chris Myers chirping that he did not agree with the call was off the mark. Either way, they're not taking it back. Chalk up a hard fought 'W' for the good guys.
  21. I watched that live and said, "WTF? He's playing for a tie!" It was 4th and 7 with no chance to get the ball again outside of the low chance of recovering a fumble and their season already teetering on the brink. The Iggles are fortunate that they play in the worst division in football.
  22. I agree, Chandler. I was telling my son yesterday that I don't think there is any way that LA completes that comeback if the stands are packed with rabid, screaming Bills fans. The dynamic has completely changed across the league for teams with huge home field advantages. It may have made a difference in New Orleans last night, as well. The only real advantage for the home teams right now is not having to travel for their games. Oddly enough, it may be affecting referees, too. The 'intimidation factor' of making an egregious call in a home stadium is not something they have to deal with either. Whether real or imagined, there is some subconscious psychology at play there, IMO. Hopefully, it may work in the Bills' favor this coming week. The Raiduhs brand new stadium would have been rocking in the home team's favor, even with Bills fans in attendance.
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