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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. 'Mayor Finley' has a nice ring to it...
  2. Do the Reich thing, Indy!
  3. Louis Riddick crying for Pittsburgh.
  4. "You said it, Yolo!" Sincerely, The LA Rams
  5. If Cincy holds, they'd better not get a stupid unsportsmanlike conduct for trash talking. They are flirting with disaster with so much primping near the Stiller players.
  6. Bengals should go for this...but won't.
  7. Get this 3rd down, Cincy!
  8. Gio needs to go 'Beast Mode'.
  9. Finley needs to pick up a few first downs here. That dropped INT by Jackson and then his DPI might cost them the game. Ugh.
  10. Huuuuuuuge 4th down coming up.
  11. Damn! Gotta hang onto that INT right there.
  12. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
  13. You 'Finley is trash' narrators owe him an apology if he pulls this out. Nice drive for the TD there.
  14. Cincy giveth...and then taketh away.
  15. Running the 'Drink and Drunk' offense? 😉
  16. 'Big Ben' is looking more like 'Ben Folds'.
  17. Roethlisberger looks completely shot. He has hit the proverbial wall in the last half of this season. It would be sad if it were not so deliciously satisfying.
  18. And the 'short hair'...
  19. Nothing says 'too far' like giving a bj in the parking lot for a Kiko freaking Alonso jersey...
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