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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. You're showing your age...but I see what you did there. Nice reference.
  2. Maybe. 🤔 I really despise this day. 😂
  3. The OP would have been much better served posting this hot (garbage) take today rather than last night.
  4. They didn't pay enough attention to detail in their prank. The 'article' states: "The black helmet with a red stripe down the middle and yellow facemask features the Bills' logo made completely out of wings, and ranch, of course." Every true Buffalonian knows it's blue cheese not ranch. Come on, Bills media, be better.
  5. When you hear Murph, you really appreciate what you had in Van Miller and RJ.
  6. It was his lame attempt at an April Fool's joke.
  7. The fans storming the field and the goal posts coming down at Rich Stadium on September 7, 1980 following the Bills win over Miami which ended the '0 for the '70s' decade of 20 straight losses to the hated fish. How I envision him calling it: "FIIIIIIIIIN-ALLLLLLLLLLLY...IT'SSSSSSSSSS OOOOOOOOOOOVER!!! BREAK OUT THE DEEP FRYERS AND THE TARTER SAUCE BECAUSE BUFFALO IS ABOUT TO CELEBRATE A FISH FRY 10 YEARS IN THE MAKING!!!"
  8. Is that in dog years?
  9. Reportedly, a 4 year deal, per OBL.
  10. Brandon Beane just addressed the media in Florida and announced that Bates is coming back to the Bills.
  11. This should be made into a statue and placed right next to Ralph's.
  12. PSLs were confirmed...will be attached to all season tickets.
  13. That's a question for Ron Raccuia and the Pegulas. 😂
  14. Executive VP Ron Raccuia of PSE said that each season ticket will have a PSL attached. 30 year lease. As their current naming partner, Highmark will hold right of first refusal for naming rights.
  15. Executive VP Ron Raccuia of PSE just said that each season ticket will have a PSL attached. 30 year lease. As their current naming partner, Highmark will hold right of first refusal for naming rights.
  16. Bills owners Terry and Kim Pegula issued this statement on the New Bills Stadium project: "We took another step today to solidify our collective goal of constructing a new stadium for the Buffalo Bills in Orchard Park. We are grateful for the time, efforts and unwavering commitment made by Governor Hochul and her team throughout this process. While there are more hurdles to clear before getting to the finish line, we feel our public-private partnership between New York State, Erie County, led by County Executive Mark Poloncarz, and the National Football League will get us there." https://www.buffalobills.com/news/statement-from-terry-and-kim-pegula-on-the-new-bills-stadium-project
  17. I remember when Taiwan used to win the Little League World Series all the time. Where does the time go?
  18. Obada bing, Obada boom...
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