Totally agree with the bolded in your posts. I was beyond excited when they signed Correa but I am now just glad that this is behind them one way or another and they can just move on to Spring Training. Too much drama, too much back-and-forth. I hope that Cohen has learned a painful lesson, too, and can keep his mouth shut and his statements off of social media until his potential players clear their medicals and all of the 'i's have been dotted and all of the 't's have been crossed. For someone so business savvy, that was a bush league blunder on his part. The fan in him got the better of the businessman. The fact that Correa was willing to jump wherever..."Oooh, yes the, wait the Mets...oops, I meant the Twins!" tells me something about his character and Boras' undying need to bleed every last cent out of the sucker, to pay his ransom. Boras is great for his players, not so much for the fans, IMHO. I, for one, will not shed a tear when he is one day pushing up daisies. That said, good luck with your millions, Correa, because you're never winning a WS with Minnesota. Your Twins might want to try beating the Skanks for the first time in like a billion years while you're rolling around in a bed full of hundred dollar bills....