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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Not trying to make this about you. YOU did that by starting this thread. People who live in glass houses...
  2. Can the Bills win? Absolutely. Will they win? Tune in and find out.
  3. This coming from the guy who started the infamous "I'm a horrible human being" thread??
  4. Exactly. All logic says that the Bills will lose, but this is not a computer program. It's a human game, with human emotions. Many would argue that this game is more important to the Bills. Which team would a loss hurt most? Desperation is a crazy thing. These games are played on the field and not on paper for a reason. If you can look at an opponent and mark them down as a win or loss without fail, then why play the games? How many people can actually pick a team's won/lost record before the season and get every game right? You may get lucky and predict the correct record, but it's highly unlikely you'll get every game right. For all the nay sayers who want to put others down for believing the Bills have a chance, be careful...it's a long fall from atop that high horse on which you're perched.
  5. Bingo, we have a winner! Woulda, coulda, shoulda. While the officiating was atrocious, the bottom line is the Bills didn't/haven't been getting it done in "gut check" time. Make your plays...don't put yourself in position to let the refs decide the outcome of the game. BTW, I don't believe in conspiracy theories (at least as far as sports are concerned).
  6. Rich, I PM'd you some info. It'll be worth fighting any crowds to see the kids' faces light up when they see the rides and the "aminals". Quality family time and no Bills angina.
  7. Nice thoughts...I enjoy your posts. Well thought out and often times informative. B)
  8. My brother loves it because it's different...after about five minutes of looking at it, I'm ready to go insane. What an eyesore! Football fields were meant to be green, even artificial ones.
  9. I'm not real sure...I'll have to look into it. The only singer I know will be there is Ruben Studdard (don't know which day). My main reason for going is to take the little ones on some rides and to see the animals. My brother and his wife and little girl will be joining us for the same reason. I haven't been in over 20 years.
  10. Me, too...on Saturday.
  11. RW's agent: Hey, Ricky...they ruled you owe the team $8.6 million for quitting. RW: Who quit? I was on sabbatical. I'll be in tomorrow. You got any Doritos?
  12. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............
  13. Welcome to the witch hunt that is the world of the WNY sports fan...
  14. I'm going to watch football...I haven't seen it from the Bills for the last two weeks.
  15. Right, you are. Too many people get caught up in the emotion of the moment and lose sight of the fact that there must be "clear, indisputable, visual evidence" to overturn a call. All of the views of that play were far from conclusive. The Bills would have lost that challenge. The officials still would've made the wrong call by not overturning it and would be in the same position they are today. I actually would have been more pissed if the Bills challenged and the refs got it wrong. It would sting more than a judgement call on the field that the Bills didn't challenge.
  16. Must've missed this...H(belated)BD!
  17. And just what do you need to make those frosty hops? Come on, think, EZC!
  18. Yeah...that 29 yarder he had against the Raiders was especially impressive. He's been very erratic in the early going. I'll take two 48 yarders over a 29 yarder and a 70 something, anyday.
  19. Shaw is one of the few offensive players who has shown any consistency, at all, IMHO. That being said, I'd like to see much more of Lee Evans. It's time.
  20. NHL players + NHL owners = Complete Dumba$$es Way to kill the goose that laid the 'Cadbury' egg, guys. It sure as hell ain't layin' golden eggs. Nice TV contract...on par with the AFL. AF friggin' L?? And you're going to support $8-10 million contracts how? Greed...one of the "Seven Deadly Sins".
  21. Will you and KzooMike please stop making sense. What are you guys trying to do...restore some kind of order to this board?
  22. Amen. Even Rudy should be tired of Rudy's schtick by now.
  23. I feel your pain, my brother. I normally don't dwell on the officiating because it is what it is...they screw up all the time. But this time, after the NFL admitted all of it's errors in this game, I really got pissed! Why do they even bother owning up after the fact? It's not going to change anything. Am I supposed to feel better because you realize, NOW, that your incompetence cost the Bills a chance to win the game?? It's like your best bud telling you he banged your old lady...oh, but it didn't mean anything. WTF?
  24. Are you CRAZY??! She's got one of the best set of DSLs I've ever seen! I've always had a thing for her...reminds me of a poor man's Raquel Welch. Yummy...
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