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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Hey, let me try. What was Kevin Costner's character named in 'Bull Durham'? Oh, yeah, Rosen Davis. Fun!
  2. That's the game I wanted to attend, but we can't not take the little ones out on Halloween, plus the grandparents would be bummed. We settled on the St. Louis game on November 21st. Snow?
  3. Funny, but "I'm a horrible human being" doesn't work. Oh, the humanity!
  4. ...football related. Somebody sent me this e-mail and for some reason I immediately thought about our number 11, Drew Bledsoe. D-R-E-W-B-L-E-D-S-O-E = 11 letters! FYI, don't bother trying it for Rob Johnson (only 10 letters) or Scott Norwood (12). > > The number 11--------- weird ! > > > > 11 has become to be a very interesting number. It could be a forced coincidence, but in any case this is interesting. You decide for yourself: > > > > 1) New York City has 11 letters. > > > > 2) Afghanistan has 11 letters. > > > > 3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened the Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters. > > > > 4) George W. Bush has 11 letters. > > > > This could be a mere coincidence... (Could it be?) > > > > Now here is what is interesting... > > > > 1) New York is the State # 11 > > > > 2) The first plane crushing against the Twin Towers was flight #11 > > > > 3) Flight # 11 was carrying 92 passengers Adding this number gives us: 9+2=11. > > > > 4) Flight # 77 who also hit the towers, was carrying 65 passengers Adding this: 6+5=11. > > > > 5) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11.. Adding this: 9+1+1=11 > > > > 6) The date is equal to the emergency number 911. Adding this: 9+1+1=11 > > > > Now we have a very upsetting piece.. > > > > 1) The total number of victims inside the planes are 254: 2+5+4=11 > > > > 2) The day September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year: 2+5+4=11 > > > > 3) After September 11, there are 111 days more to the end of the year. > > > > 4) The tragedy of 3/11/2004 in Madrid also adds to: 3+1+1+2+4=11. > > > > 5) The tragedy in Madrid happened 911 days after the tragedy of the Twin Towers. > > > > Spooky!! > > > > Read on.....! This is really eerie,,,,, > > > > This is something to think about! > > > > Since America is typically represented by an Eagle. Saddam and Bin Laden should have read up on their Muslim passages.... > > The following verse is from the Quran, (the Islamic Bible). > > > > Quran (9:11) -- For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, > > while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace. > > > > Note the verse number!!!!!
  5. Well said, e. It's amazing how many posters think that the trolls like Fugsboro Mike are just good naturedly "teasing". Whatever... Intelligent football talk is one thing, constant dead horse beating is another. I'll believe it when I see it, but I won't hold my breath.
  6. I agree that the Bills played well...just not well enough to win. There were many positives to be taken from the game, but the bottom line is it's still an "L". While Bledsoe looked better than last year, the "O" will have to put up more than 10 points to win games, especially on the road.
  7. I was shaking my head all during the game on Sunday and saying: "We're dominating this game and letting them hang around...if we keep this up we're going to blow it!" :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: It seems like that is the scenario that plays out 9 times out of 10 whenever a team (read Bills) is in that situation.
  8. Ya know, I'm not one to panic or overreact but I have to agree with you on this one. RL's missed FG changed the whole complexion of what the Bills did on both offense and defense. It took away some of their aggressivenes, IMHO. I was just talking about this with my brother after the game. Much of what we discussed is covered in this article (see below) by Jerry Sullivan. While I think Sullivan is a muckraking douchebag, he's actually dead-on in this instance (the rest of the article is his usual drivel). Is Hollis ready yet? Something tells me that TD won't take the cap hit of releasing RL...I hope I'm wrong about that. Article: "When your objective is to win close, low-scoring football games - "small ball," in the current parlance - it helps to have a reliable kicker. The Bills have Rian Lindell, who might be the worst kicker in the NFL. Lindell's career field-goal percentage of 73.1 is the second-worst in the league among non-rookies. Only Arizona's Neil Rackers (67.5) is worse. Since the start of the 2001 season, Lindell is the only NFL kicker who has coverted fewer than half his kicks from 40-49 yards. The better kickers make 70-75 percent from that range. It's a stressful, unforgiving profession. If you make a habit of missing from 42 yards, as Lindell did against the Jaguars, you won't last very long in the league. Lindell's miss was a costly one. Had he made it, the Bills would have been up by seven in the final minute. They might have been more aggressive on defense during the Jags' final drive. It's not the first time Lindell has killed the Bills in a low-scoring home loss. He missed two field-goal tries in the 12-10 loss to the Texans last season. So it was hardly a surprise when the coaches decided not to try a 50-yard field goal late in the game. They didn't trust their kicker in that situation, and you can't blame them." http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20040...?tbd1040737.asp
  9. It probably doesn't cause him any problems with the ladies. BTW, he's................not good.
  10. God bless you and your family, Bill. Keep the faith.
  11. I wasn't happy, either. If it's not a nationally televised game (Monday Night, ESPN, etc.) DirecTV should show it. Especially as much as you pay for 'Sunday Ticket'. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  12. Steve McNair with a 1 yard TD pas to Errin Kinney with 1:49 to go in the 2nd quarter. Halftime now.
  13. I usually get up around 4:30am EST on weekdays to get to my job around 6:00am, although I don't have to be in that early...sometimes I feel like a non-sleeper, too! On the weekends, with two small children in the house, if I get to sleep past 7:00am it's a rare treat. LET'S GO BUFFALO!!! I can't wait!
  14. Exactly! Why does this fuggin' thread seem to come up ad nauseum??! There are people who say the Putz but when a poll is posted, overwhelmingly it always comes up the dulfelons. The Putz are having their moment in the sun. It's their "window"...eventually that will change. If the 'felons were having this same run it would be a billion times more unbearable. Sorry, no contest...festering fish in a landslide!!!!!
  15. Sorry, but you've missed the boat on this. Faulk is the poster boy for the law of diminishing returns. Odds are Steven Jackson will cut into his playing time even if Faulk can manage to stay healthy. Fantasy players that look only at a "name" or past rep and don't project into the future are billsfanone to fail. Hold tight with what you have or make him sweeten the pot, tater.
  16. Can't wait for the "WTF is wrong with TD for overpaying Schobel" crowd to start chiming in. Wanna be GMs...
  17. My four year old and two year old sons have both had them. Very scary. When you try to "talk them off the ledge", they act as if you're not there or they can't hear you....takes a while for them to calm down and come back to reality. I hope I'm not the common denominator in their terrors!
  18. "ESPN...the worldwide misleader in sports!"
  19. If this is on ESPN News, then why the hell don't they have anything on their website, yet? Slackers! You know this crowd..."link?"
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