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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Ray, stop making sense. Are you trying to get flamed or something?
  2. They'd be my hypothetical second favorite team.
  3. Yeah, you got it real tough. Boo fuggin' hoo.
  4. Yes if: The team rebounds and is no worse than 3-4 after the Arizona game. No if: The team finishes the above stretch 2-5 or worse. At that point they will be all but officially done. The move may not come in week 8, but soon thereafter. JMHO.
  5. What a negative nelly...2-14 is definitely doable. Don't sell this team short.
  6. I think I'd have two more weeks of needless pain and mental anguish... Honestly, I'd love the NFL to go to an 18 game regular season, but it won't happen. The union would be screaming for more money for its players who now get peanuts during the preseason. The owners would have to pay for an additional two games...won't happen.
  7. I couldn't have said it better myself. When the Bills finally start winning consistently (whether it's this year, I don't know), it will be that much sweeter due to this prolonged sour taste in our mouths.
  8. The ruling, as called, was correct. I have always thought that it was a stupid rule. If the ball is fumbled out of the endzone by the defense, it should come back to the 20 but the defense's team should retain possession, IMHO. Why should the team that originally lost possession be rewarded with a fresh set of downs at their 20???
  9. Fug the Cubs! I can't stand them. Their announcers are the most blatantly, annoying homers on the air. I can't watch a game on WGN without turning down the sound. Harry Caray was a pitiful joke, but his grandson, Chip, is unbelievably worse! As boring as Skip Caray is, at least he's professional in his call of Braves games (and no, I'm not a Braves fan). Blaming Steve Bartman for their woes is gutless, classless, and pathetic. If there was any justice, the North siders would go 0-162 every year!
  10. I agree with you on this, Paco. Three games is too soon to give up on a season, although the Bills have dug themselves a huge hole and are starting to shovel the dirt on themselves. By the time Losman is ready to play it may be a moot point, anyway. The season could be gone. If that's the case, then play the kid. If not, stay the course. The Jest game is winnable...they did not impress me against the dulfelons. The dulfelon game is definitely winnable, with a loss likely at Baltimore, and the Cards at home being winnable. At that point, if the team is 3-4 and still in the wildcard hunt, you stay with Bledsoe. 2-5 or worse and it may be time to get JP into the lineup and ready him for full time duty in '05.
  11. It's something I can't really describe. A couple of friends were over watching with me and at one point when it was 17-17, I turned to them and said matter of factly: "The Bills are going to lose this game 31-17." Sure enough, they did. You don't know when or how, you just know that the back breaker is coming. It's almost like watching a train wreck...you know you shouldn't but you can't turn away. Every Sunday I feel like I've wasted 3+ hours of my life watching their dreck, yet I can't stop.
  12. I hope that the two above sentences are separate, independent expressions and not related to one another.
  13. That's T-o-r-n, not T-o-m...but, by all means, nap away my friend...as long as it's not the "dirt" variety.
  14. Better watch it, Rich...we're hot on your trail @ 93. It's times like this that really make me appreciate being married!
  15. 27 years ago, I was spending my last calendar year in WNY, "suffering" thru the Jim Ringo era, playing football, and hanging out with my 8th grade buddies.. In the spring of 1978, we moved to Virginia. Hang in there, Cindy, and God bless.
  16. "Two things I think I think:" 1) King, the Peter, is an uninformed blowhard. 2) See # 1.
  17. Green 'spunk'??? Dude, you'd better get to a doctor, pronto!
  18. If she has a scene like she did in 'Swordfish', any negativity will be forgiven.
  19. Whaddya mean? You haven't received yours, yet?
  20. Yeah, with some brilliant slogan like "Damn seagulls!" and white splotches all over.
  21. 'Penelope Pitstop', anyone? BTW, AD, you do have issues...you're just not the only one. Save me a seat on the sicko express.
  22. I'm really interested to know why you don't give any credit to the Bills' opponents?? Jacksonville held Denver's offense to a mere six points and Tennessee's to twelve. Oakland, while not an elite squad, has certainly shown that they are better than people expected and west coast games have historically been a nightmare for the Bills, no matter what their record. I think Steve Tasker said in 'Bills Digest' that his teams were something like 3-11 out west. Another reason for hope is that the Bills' 'D' will keep them in most games and, Sunday, they should come out like a team with its back against the wall, desperate for a win. Also, as poor as the offense has seemingly been, this team could just as easily be 2-0 as 0-2. It's not like they've been blown out. Their own mistakes, most notably penalties on special teams and lack of fourth down stops on 'D', are the reason they're 0-2 in spite of the lack of offensive points. This game just seems like a trap game for NE, Belipuke or no.
  23. I wonder how he feels about the current trend of wearing the cap slightly askew, so that the bill is off-centered, ala Lawyer Milloy on the current Bills catalog?
  24. Don't get too down on yourself...sometimes you appear to have a sense of humor.
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