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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. I didn't vote in that poll...I think everyone in the organization is culpable.
  2. Picking: Cardinals, Yankees Want: Astros, Red Sox
  3. "If only you were ten years younger and I were ten inches harder..."
  4. "Who is the biggest mental midget of the Bills?" More to the point, who isn't?
  5. Were the pages stuck together when you woke up?
  6. "I haven't seen a caboose that nice since I stopped playing with my trains!"
  7. Stop wearing your Bills gear...that should clear up their misconception.
  8. Really? He "gift-wrapped a top 3-draft pick in next years draft" after only 1/4 of a season?? Has the NFL decided to not play the other 12 games and determine the draft order now??? Seems like after only 1/8 of a season last year many people were saying that the Bills could be the AFC representative in the Super Bowl and we all see how that turned out. Too bad the NFL didn't cancel the other 14 games last year...afterall, they were just a formality. Have I seen anything to indicate that the Bills will turn it around this year? No. Do I think they'll make the playoffs? No. Am I happy with the current state of this team? No. Do I want to see changes? Absolutely. But cripes, can we see what happens to the other 3/4 of football games this year before saying that TD "gift-wrapped a top 3-draft pick in next years draft"??!!! This chicken little act has grown incredibly old. Leave it to the professionals, like Rudy.
  9. Look around the stadium...plenty of fans need to do that, anyway...and it has nothing to do with the team's record.
  10. Practice referees are like the kid who studies and studies for his SATs and does well on the practice exam; then when the live bullets start flying and he has to get it right, the kid craps out and has to apologize to his parents.
  11. My bad...missed that one. R.I.P., one and all.
  12. True, but the 'D' was getting toasted on 3rd and no matter how long from the get go. They're not worn out early in the game..they have to make some stops. When's the last time 85 year old Wayne Smurfet was a factor in the Jest offense aganist anybody, not to mention a supposedly good 'D' like the Bills'??? The guy was constantly open. Moss I can accept, probably McCareins, too...but Chrebet????? No freakin' way! Bottomline, the offense finally did enough to win and the defense didn't hold up it's end of the bargain. Not to be overlooked in the loss is the fact that the Bills' special teams were of no help in a tight game. Moorman was subpar and McGee did not break any much needed long gainers.
  13. http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/2004-1...eeve-obit_x.htm They come in threes. Rodney, then CR. Who's next?
  14. Uh, reality check. Christie was 5 for 10 heading into Sunday. Hardly awe inspiring.
  15. Sad. That really hit home since I turned 41, myself, on Sunday.
  16. They have to win ONE before you can convince me that they can win nine more after that...as long as they keep making the same dumb, undisciplined mistakes, they'll keep losing. Five weeks and four games in and they still haven't corrected the "correctable" problems. I like your spirit, but this team has shown no indication that they're coming out of this tailspin. Moral victories are not acceptable...not from a team with the supposed talent to make a playoff run.
  17. The one QB that BR most draws comparisons to by the so called "experts" is Bledsoe.
  18. I'm tired of them toying with me. The thing that is really killing me is that they have robbed me of the ability to get excited anymore. I was basically emotionless on their two TDs. Like a sucker, I allowed myself to get hopeful after Evans' score, but then reality set in again. I saw how much time was left on the clock and just waited for the other shoe to drop. I just knew that the Jest would score either a FG or TD and leave the Bills about 15 seconds with which to work. Turns out they left about a minute, but the Bills' "offense" reverted back to its old form. Even if they had gotten into FG range, that would have left Lindell in position to win it...imagine how ugly it would it have been when he shanked the kick. This whole situation is just so sickening, it's almost surreal. I feel like I'm having a recurring nightmare and I just can't wakeup...
  19. Sorry, but, he missed the boat. The Browns, Lions, Eagles, and Cardinals (going back to Chicago) have been around much longer than the Bills. Also, based on recent history, the Eagles are more deserving of "Best Player Who Hasn't Won a Major".
  20. Fug 'em...they're subordinates.
  21. Sorry, Tom, but I'm breaking trump here...Bills, Sabres, and Mets...or is that "Mess"? M-E-S-S, Mess, Mess, Mess. Welcome, Peter. You'll find this board a refreshing (or is that frightening?) change from your usual AV nerd bashing board.
  22. Your very presence on this board and the 'Simoncast' suggests otherwise!
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