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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Billionaire Warren Buffett, whose holdings include the Buffalo News. Rudy = Ignore button
  2. Yeah, that's your answer to everything, right? Call everyone a Drew apologist. I wouldn't lose a minute's sleep if DB was benched. I've seen enough of his boneheaded play to last me a lifetime and would love to see JPL. Facts are facts and the defense caved when they had the lead, plain and simple. Take your "binky" and shove it up your a$$. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  3. Yeah, I'm sure the defense is pissed off that the offense gave them the lead to protect late in the Jags and Jests games and they couldn't do the job and hold it. Not to mention a 7 point lead in the third against the Pats. Like it or not you do win and lose as a TEAM.
  4. Because while you, I, and every Bills fan knows that this season is lost, supposedly the players don't. They still have to go out and try to win. What message are you sending Spikes, Fletcher, and the other vets who want to win? What if Matthews is (God forbid) worse than Bledsoe? You can't bench him and go back to DB...you will completely lose the team. "Why should we listen to you? They benched you for the backup QB!" They're walking a slippery slope and are in a no win (literally and figuratively) situation. Benching Bledsoe sends the message to the players that you've given up on the '04 season. When the Bills are mathematically eliminated you will see Losman and not until then, IMHO (unless it's in mop-up duty). Matthews is simply not an option...he's not the present in the eyes of the starting players and he's certainly not the future.
  5. Yeah, but winning isn't everything...just ask the Bills.
  6. He shouldn't be that big of a factor. He'll need 2 or 3 weeks to work himself back into game shape. I'd be more worried about Bledsoe, if I were you.
  7. It worked in Falls Church, VA (outside D.C.)...'Grevey's Restaurant & Sports Bar'. If you've got a decent amount of transplanted WNYers in your area then go for it. Do a little market research first. Good luck. P.S. - Make sure all of your signs and menus are in Spanish.
  8. Exactly right. I was like, WTF?? But the graphic clarified that it was people that played or coached in the NFL. That wouldn't include RW, hence the "snub".
  9. Rich, thanks for talking me into going. As you said, the game sucked but the pre- and post-game made the trip worth it. It was good to hang out with you and Lisa, again...next time it will be under better circumstances (hopefully). P.S. - "Yeah we do!"
  10. Yeah and if everything goes right I could win the lottery.
  11. FWIW, I sat next to a member of the Bills Backers @ the Baltimore game and he told me that next year the Bills will be sporting an alternate red jersey.
  12. How can Brooke Burke be a "sleeper"??? She's one of the hottest freakin' women on the planet!
  13. Armistice Day, the official end of WW I. November 11, 1918.
  14. "You stupid piece of davidstojan" just doesn't flow...it wouldn't be right.
  15. Should be a good series. Although I was pulling for the Astros, I hope St. Louis brings it home for the National League. Go Mets in '09! (It ain't gettin' better anytime soon)
  16. I'm in...new total: 1870.
  17. Pipe down, assclown!
  18. Betting must be heavy on the Bills. The bookies are probably trying to get the wagers rolling towards Baltimore to even things out.
  19. Lacey Chabert.
  20. Why the hell would he want to change her last name too, stevestojan?! Scott, those initials are fine. If you and the Mrs. like the names, you should stick with them if that's what makes you happy.
  21. I wondered what happened to him since his show was cancelled. That explains a lot. Have there been any Marlo Thomas sightings at 'The Ralph'?
  22. I'm right there with you, buftex. We're about the same age and other than the '73 squad (O.J.'s 2003 yard season) and '74 squad (only playoff appearance in the '70s), the only memorable and exciting teams growing up were the '80 & '81 teams. The '80 team especially, since they were the only Bills team, to that point, to win a division title in my life (I was just a baby in '64 & '65). Man, if Fergy hadn't had that gimpy ankle against the Chargers.......
  23. Maybe not. Remember the 'Seinfeld' episode where George Costanza did everything the opposite of his natural instincts and everything started falling his way? Please consider rooting for the Ravens. Serenity now!
  24. Oops! This post was mine...didn't realize that I wasn't logged in.
  25. Congrats, all around! A baby in the house is a beautiful thing...tiring, but beautiful nonetheless.
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