Exactly. Do you think that teams like NE, PIT, PHI, etc. apologize for beating teams with losing records??? Hell no. A win is a win. You have to beat the Arizonas of the league before you can beat the big boys. I don't see anybody whooping and hollering that the Bills are going to the playoffs. Name one person, other than Sam Adams, who thinks that this is a Super Bowl team????? Many fans, myself included, are simply happy that they won. Wins haven't exactly been plentiful and relishing in the moment is no sin. As fans tired of losing, expecting more from this team is not unreasonable(and certainly expected). Bitching because they won against an "inferior" opponent is. Special teams play was spectacular and four offensive TDs are definitely a welcome sight. WM's yeoman-like effort when the chains need to be moved is a breath of fresh air. Like it or not, there were positives to build upon...baby steps before full strides.
Some of you negative nellies are fuggin' impossible to please. Unreal.