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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. You should have seen those dipstevestojans on the football show on 'The YES Network'...Bob Lorenz, Keith Byars, Howard Cross, and Gary Myers. Basically dismissed the Bills and said that the Jest should have a much easier time and win by a wider margin than in the Hoffalands. WTF?? Why? Because the Bills O-line is playing better now, or because Bledsoe has stabilized his play, or because Willis McGahee has been a catalyst in sparking the offense??? Talk about lack of insightful analysis and blatant homerism...God I'm going to miss not seeing Howard Simon's objective anaysis on Monday afternoon. To you 'YES' dipstevestojans: J-E-S-T, Jest :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: , Jest :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: , Jest :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  2. Agreed. Hopefully Moorman learned a valuable lesson. My first thought was "Can anything else go right for New England??" With the Bills being on a roll they would have to go into NE minus Moorman and having already lost Mike Williams....thank goodness it wasn't serious.
  3. Thank you, Hank!!!!!
  4. Hammerin' Hank Dumba$$, the worst prognosticator in the history of handicapping, picked the Jests 20-10 today on ESPN's 'NFL Countdown'. When he comes on you always hope to God that he picks against your team.
  5. No, because I couldn't receive it at work due to several firewalls (Fed. Gov't). Otherwise, I would say yes.
  6. I don't care what people say about you, steve...you are good for something. You are indeed a true humanitarian and educator of the masses.
  7. Add "Big Gay Al" to the fav obscure list. I voted Cartman: "Respect mah author-uh-tie!!!"
  8. That's how he likes his Chads...and Craigs...and Jims...
  9. Cleavage was meant to be looked at...it's one of the "Eight Wonders of the World". Indulge 'til you bulge.
  10. Think "inside" the box.
  11. For your cold arse??
  12. Maybe he's christasian?
  13. Nah...that's why they invented the light switch.
  14. What does getting drunk have to do with it? Your sentiment applies to all of the sober people here, too.
  15. That dumba$$ gets my vote for the 2004 "Darwin Award".
  16. Don't worry...he won't be drunk forever.
  17. I went to this Oyster festival once with a buddy of mine. Neither one of us had steady girlfriends at the time. After a day of downing many adult beverages, we met this redheaded chick and the three of us ended up partying into the night on her father's boat. My buddy had designs on her but she was digging me, so she and I ended up messing around that night. The next morning she made us these killer sandwiches. Anyway, she gave us her number but I wasn't interested in anything more than a hookup, so my buddy started going out with her for a while. She started getting serious but he "wasn't in that place." One night they were going at it on his couch and he says to her in mid...er..."bangage": "I don't think we should see each other any more." Talk about coitus interuptus! Apparently, she took it well (but I have my doubts) and they kept in touch for a little while. Moral of the story: No matter how bad you think you were dumped, somebody's got it worse. (Hang in there, dude...it will get better )
  18. I applaud your new found spirit, but let's get this right. In any future posts, kindly refer to that opposing team as the "NJ Jest" (Jest will suffice).
  19. Exactly right, Lori. I still miss "Fan TV" and the Bills postgame show. For realtime WNY sports news and opinions, Empire was an oasis in the desert for out-of-towners like myself. I'll probably be cancelling my sports package on DTV any day now. Good luck, Howard...try to convince your new employers to stream live. They're crazy if they can't see the benefits.
  20. Already posted in an earlier thread. Four more years of your ineptitude, too??
  21. Yeah...but I think the scope was "off" on my rifle.
  22. I voted at 3:15pm EST.
  23. Oh no, not another baseball thread!
  24. It's obvious that the dulfelons' win over the Rams was an anomaly. Let's hope that the same is not true for the Bills win over the Cardinals.
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