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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. So I go into the office on Wednesday to file a travel voucher (after being gone for over a week) and find that they've done something to our server. I never had any problems getting to or using TSW...until Wednesday. I can get to the TBD homepage, read the articles, etc. with no problem. However, when I try to go to TSW I get a blocked message. Damn firewalls! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Any suggestions or am I just SOL? Thanks.
  2. I'm sorry, Rich. I guess I shouldn't believe everything I hear about Marylanders.
  3. Yeah, it's quite obvious from your screen name how much you "backed" him.
  4. He: "Hey, honey?" She: "Yes?" He: "Just hear me out on this one..."
  5. Give it back! I knew I shouldn't have let you in my house!!
  6. Please tell me you are joking.
  7. Yeah...I've still got two (in good shape) from when I was a kid...one with the red standing logo and one with the current logo on the white helmet.
  8. Unfortunately for the NHL, the game translates much, much better in person than on TV. It's a great sport and I will miss it terribly once the Bills are done, come January. If the NBA fell of the face of the earth, never to be seen again, I'd be the first guy to do do cartwheels down my street. Good fuggin' riddance.
  9. Maybe the "B" on the shirt was a misprint??
  10. My wish is that it's a happy and memorable Christmas for my two boys. My four year old is at the age that lasting memories start forming and he has a memory like a steel trap. My two year old may be too young to remember but I hope it's fun for him, nonetheless. Congrats, LA. I truly believe that Christmas is for kids. I've been more excited about this holiday every year since the birth of my children...excitement I haven't felt since I was a kid myself.
  11. You beat me to it, BiB. The Bills and felons are the only two teams without a road win (ugh!). The law of averages finally catches up to the Bills and they win.
  12. Thanks, Rich. Still looking. Anyone? Anyone......................
  13. If they don't he'll probably wish they had. Strange as it may seem for convicted killers, rapists, etc., they don't tolerate child molesters and baby killers...kind of their own "self policing" code. Peterson's toast, either way.
  14. I wish you could go, too...and they are good seats. Let's go guys and gals...someone out there has to know somebody who doesn't have tix yet and wants to go. Plus they get they added bonus of sitting with yours truly!
  15. 1st degree with special circumstances for Laci = Life in prison with no chance for parole -OR- the death penalty. 2nd degree for unborn Conner = 15 years to life with chance for parole. Penalty phase to commence November 22nd with judge's decision by November 30th, per CNN & Fox News (TV - saw it around 4:10 EST).
  16. Huh? 1st degree with special circumstances for Laci = Life in prison with no chance for parole -OR- the death penalty.
  17. Justice WAS served: 1st degree with special circumstances for Laci = Life in prison with no chance for parole -OR- the death penalty. 2nd degree for unborn Conner = 15 years to life with chance for parole. Penalty phase to commence November 22nd with judge's decision by November 30th, per CNN & Fox News (TV - just watched).
  18. "Dan Marino's son comes out of the closet and professes his love for his transvestite dolphin partner."
  19. I'd categorize myself as #3. I can't stand the "Chicken Little" and "gang attack" mentalities. While I get enjoyment out of each and every win, no matter the Bills' record, I am not so blind as to think they are going to the SB after each win and I recognize their deficiencies. I don't think they're going to the playoffs this year but until they're mathematically eliminated I won't give up hope, either. Hence, my avatar sig line. I guess I have some #1 in me, also.
  20. Not sure how many people check the Trading Post board and I'm really short on time, so... I'm heading up to WNY with my wife and kids on the 19th. We have 9 tickets together, but 3 people in our group are unable to attend. My sister and her husband just bought a house and can't make it and a friend of the family from Grand Island is out, as well. I was looking to sell all three (but would sell one or two) at face value. We are in Section 329, Row 10, Seats 8-16. We've been up in this section before...they are high, but the view is great. When I ordered them, I asked for "best available" and these are what I got. Anyway, with the ticket charges and tax, etc. they came to $52.00 each. If you're interested, please let me know, ASAP. I'll be out of town on business from the 15th - 18th and will have limited internet access. I'll be back home and heading to WNY on the 19th. "PM" me to exchange phone numbers/contact info. Thanks, Ray
  21. Congrats! Isn't that "I never believed I could love someone so much that I just met 3 days ago" feeling unbelievably awesome?! Every parent knows exactly what you're talking about. That feeling overwhelmed me when my now four year old son came into the world and repeated itself when my now two year old son came along. Enjoy the simultaneous agony and ecstasy for they do grow up fast! Godspeed to Mom and her recovery.
  22. I think that last week showed McGee's play is "slipping".
  23. Ditto. Department of Defense - civilian (2001-present)
  24. Many thanks to the people past, present, and future who protect(ed) our cherished freedoms. God bless.
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